Agenda item

Agenda item

North Manchester Strategy

Report of the Director of Public Health (MCC), Associate Director of Operations, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and Group Chief Finance Officer, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust attached


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council; Strategic Director (Population Health), NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (Manchester); and North Manchester Strategy Programme Senior Responsible Officer; the Associate Director of Operations, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust; and the Group Chief Finance Officer, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust that provided an update on The North Manchester Strategy programme that brings together the partnership work that spans and seeks to maximise the impact of the major capital developments in North Manchester – the healthcare-led North View build and North Manchester General Hospital (NMGH) site redevelopment; and the residential-led Victoria North development.


The report described the composition and function of the North Manchester Strategy Board (NMSB), noting that it was responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of the North Manchester Strategy and its associated programme of work. The report further provided an update on the capital investment, with particular reference to North View, a £105.9m of investment by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust’s to replace the existing Park House mental health inpatient unit. An update on the North Manchester General Hospital redevelopment; the Victoria North development, that will deliver around 15,000 homes during the 2020s and 2030s. Discussion of the delivery of social value, noting the North Manchester Social Benefit Framework articulated social value priorities, opportunities and outcomes around which partners were mobilising their social value efforts.


Reporting that a key part of the NMGH site redevelopment masterplan was the Healthy Neighbourhood concept, which responded to the North Manchester Strategy by seeking to utilise Trust land to facilitate the development of a mixed generation neighbourhood with a focus on wellbeing to meet the needs of the North Manchester community whilst also maximising the research and development opportunities the new campus will provide. Discussion of the academic collaborations that would be realised through this wider programme of development.


Finally, the report described that Carbon reduction and wider environmental sustainability plans were embedded in each of the capital developments and collaborative priorities under this theme would be progressed for the 2024/25 year.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care, MCC

commented that Manchester had been able to clearly articulate the ambitions and vision for North Manchester, with place at the heart of all plans during Lord Markham’s visit to the area. He further acknowledged the North View development as very positive and this view was reiterated by other Board members.


Board members also acknowledged the work being delivered already in neighbourhoods as part of the Making Manchester Fairer programme to address health inequalities.


Jenny Ehrhardt, Group Chief Finance Officer, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust advised that the discussions regarding the funding for the new hospitals programme were ongoing, with business cases submitted. These would then be subject to consideration and formal approval by the Treasury in April 2024. She commentated that conversations were ongoing as to what this would mean for North Manchester specifically. She commented that more specific detail would be available in the late spring / early summer period. Mark Cubban, Group Chief Executive, MFT stated that planning and communications with staff and stakeholders was already underway pending final approval of the funding of the New Hospitals Programme so that they can progress the ambitions for the site at pace.




To note the report.

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