Agenda item

Agenda item

121270/OO/2018 - Land To The North-east And South-west Of Enterprise Way; Bounded By Ringway Road West To The South; And Thaxted Walk, Roxholme Walk, The Rear Of 27-67 Lincombe Road And 2-8 Dentdale Walk To The North

The report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is attached.


The application proposals have been submitted as a phased proposal with full details submitted for consideration of: the erection of an office building and multi-storey car park, landscaping and public realm, access arrangements onto Enterprise Way and associated works (Phase 1); and part of the proposals submitted in outline (with all matters reserved for future consideration) for further office space and associated car parking (maximum 832 spaces) (Phases 2 and 3).


The applicant’s agent spoke to the Committee in support and explained that this application related to the first phase of the implementation of the Airport City Enterprise Zone (EZ), an Enterprise Zone Framework Plan which was adopted to provide a clear vision for development across the EZ.  This Framework was approved by the Council’s Executive on 24th October 2012 and forms a material consideration in decisions the Council makes as local planning authority within the EZ.


She also explained that the EZ is intentionally restricted to employment areas.  However, all of the sites are located within a broader residential and mixed-use area that contains much of the potential workforce for EZ businesses.  The framework therefore anticipated the effect of these sites would be the revitalisation of Wythenshawe with the accompanying broad socio-economic regeneration benefits.


The first phase would be fully occupied from day 1 with up to 3000 staff, and it is anticipated that this would grow to over 10000 staff as each phase was completed and occupied.  It was also confirmed that both at the construction stage and the operational stage there was a clear commitment to providing local employment, training and development opportunities. 


The Committee requested that the phrase “the ambulant disabled” be changed to “ambulant disabled people” in any future report, but also welcomed the robust waste management proposals.


The Committee also requested that officers explore the possibility of a more robust condition regarding landscaping, to ensure that the current amenity benefit of the woodland area is retained as far as is possible.  In addition, the Committee asked for clarification as to the distance between the proposed buildings and the current residential properties. 


Officers confirmed that this was a hybrid application, with phase 2 and 3 being covered by specific reserved matters.  This would mean that the detail of the landscaping at each phase would be assessed and determined on a case by case basis as the phases progressed. 


In phase 1, there would be a significant level of tree planting and a mature hedge already in existence between the site and the existing residential properties, to mitigate against any noise and disturbance. 


The Committee also welcomed the fact that a condition of any permission to be granted would include a local labour agreement to provide employment and development opportunities for local residents.


The Committee concluded that the proposal will deliver substantial new jobs and will provide a catalyst for other developments in this strategic location. They also noted that necessary infrastructure to support the development in the form of Enterprise Way is already in place and a new ‘green bridge’ to link this and the wider site to the airport and transport interchange has been approved.




To grant the application subject to the conditions and reasons in the report and the late representation.


Supporting documents: