Agenda item
[10.45-11.20] Dementia Developments in Manchester
Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services and the Director of Public Health
This report describes recent work to invigorate the Dementia pathway and improve services for people diagnosed with Dementia and their Carers.
The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services and the Director of Public Health that described recent work to invigorate the Dementia pathway and improve services for people diagnosed with Dementia and their Carers.
Key points and themes in the report included:
· Providing an introduction and background, noting that according to the NHS, Dementia was a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning;
· Data on Dementia diagnosis rates;
· Describing the work delivered with South Asian communities;
· Describing the multi-agency Dementia Steering Group had refreshed its membership to include people and Carers with lived experience to ensure that the transformation of the post-diagnostic pathway delivered high quality, timely, equitable and effective services;
· Describing how the Steering Group had worked together to develop a new Vision for how Dementia care and support was progressed, and a new Action Plan ensured that key organisations and sector leads were accountable; and
· Reporting that there was recognition of the vital role that the VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) organisations, with specific expertise in Dementia support, with a proposal to develop a citywide VCSE Dementia Alliance.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· Information was sought as to the makeup of the Dementia Steering Group;
· How was the lived experience of people for whom English was not their first language captured and responded to;
· Noting the projected figures presented regarding the prevalence of dementia and the impact this would have on families;
· Further information was sought as to the job descriptions of the Dementia Care Co-ordinator and the Dementia Specialist Nurses;
· The Government should fund a Dementia Care Co-ordinator post at each Primary Care Network; and
· Noting the complexity of dementia and noting the importance of good quality adult services to support people living with a diagnosis of dementia.
The Co-Chair of the Steering Group and Clinical GP Lead stated that the Dementia Steering Group was a multi-disciplinary group and included the voice of the patient and lived experience. The Later Life Service Manager, Manchester Services, GMMH commented that work was ongoing to engage with a range of communities in Manchester, including African Caribbean community groups using culturally appropriate settings, including faith settings.
The Co-Chair of the Steering Group and Clinical GP Lead described the role of the Dementia Care Co-ordinator as being responsible for completing a relevant wellbeing plan for an individual, however more importantly it provided a named contact for a patient and their families. He stated that this was very important for people as it was important to recognise the complexity of a dementia diagnosis, adding that it was important not to dismiss dementia as simply an older person’s condition. He added that the wellbeing plan would be produced and agreed with the patient and the ambition would be to have this digitally shared, with consent with other health practitioners so that patients were not required to repeat their stories. He stated that the ambition would be to have a dedicated Dementia Care Co-ordinator at each Primary Care Network. Regarding the MFT Dementia Specialist Nurses Members were advised that information on this role profile would be circulated following the meeting.
The Later Life Service Manager, Manchester Services, GMMH advised that it was recognised that there were levels of unmet need in the city, and they were conscious of the need to ensure that services responded to and met the needs of patients. The Chief Executive Officer, Together Dementia Support stated that sessions and events were delivered that were culturally sensitive and language appropriate. She further noted the importance of connectivity and informal peer support. She advised that this was an ongoing consideration of the Steering Group.
In response to a question asked in relation to Memory Assessment Team Service the Senior Commissioning Manager, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care clarified the data presented in relation to assessments.
The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care welcomed the report and described that a lot of work had been initiated both at a local level and a Greater Manchester level to deliver services to support people living with dementia.
The Chair of the Trustees, Together Dementia Support welcomed the report and welcomed the opportunity to discuss the subject area at Committee. He stated that the report represented work in progress and called for the need to address the fragmented nature of care for dementia patients across health, social care and the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise sector. He endorsed the ambitions described within the report, particularly those in relation to post-diagnostic support and carer pathways. He stated that in delivering on these stated ambitions Manchester would become a beacon model.
The Chief Executive Officer, Together Dementia Support endorsed the previous contribution adding that it was important to recognise the importance of good services to enable people living with dementia to live well. The Co-Chair of the Steering Group and Clinical GP Lead added that all services needed to be codesigned to meet and respond to the cultural needs of all Manchester communities.
The Chair, in endorsing the work described within the report, stated that the Committee would commit to receiving an annual update on this important area of activity.
To note the report.
Supporting documents:
Dementia Developments in Manchester, item 23.
PDF 514 KB
Appendix 1 Draft Action Plan, item 23.
PDF 111 KB