Agenda item
Hackney Carriage Fare Review
Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached
The Executive considered a report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) which set out all the relevant information in relation to a full Hackney Carriage Fare Review.
The Hackney Fare Tariff was last fully reviewed in June 2017 when a 6.42% increase was applied to the distance element of the fare tariff only (waiting time tariff was not adjusted). Minor amendments were made in 2018 and 2020 to reflect charges introduced at Manchester Airport. It is acknowledged that the fare tariff has not been fully reviewed since 2017.
It was noted that since the last review, running costs had increased by 23%, and that if this increase were to be applied to the fares, this wouldn’t be an increase in profit but a recovery of the costs incurred by trade operators
Prior to consideration by the Executive, the proposals had been considered by the Council’s Licensing and Appeals Committee, who had been conscious that a balance needed to be met between the need to ensure that the hackney carriage trade remained viable against the needs of the travelling public, particularly those disabled passengers who relied on wheelchair accessible vehicles as well as other residents and visitors to the city. The Committee had not been unanimous in its decision to recommend a 23% increase in distance to the night-time tariff and there had been concerns about the effect this would have on trade in what they considered a competitive night-time market.
When deciding on the recommendations the Committee took into account the volatile state of the economy and the fact that the Trade was still in a financially difficult position due to the effects of the pandemic. However, the Committee was also mindful that passengers were facing a cost of living crisis. Taking these factors into account as well as the fact that they would recommend a further review of Hackney carriage fares in 12 months’ time the Committee did not consider it appropriate to recommend an increase in the waiting time tariff at this stage.
The Executive were asked to consider and if in agreement adopt the recommendations put forward by the Licensing and Appeals Committee.
The Executive:-
(1) Agrees to increase the Day flag tariff to £2.60.
(2) Agrees to Increase the Night flag tariff to £3.00.
(3) Agrees to apply the 23% increase to the rest of the fare on distance on Tariff 1.
(4) Agrees to apply the 23% increase on the fare on distance on Tariffs 2 & 3 (Night and Bank Holiday Tariffs).
(5) Agrees not to apply an increase to the waiting time on this occasion and review in 12 months.
(6) Agrees to retain the current 20p charge for additional passengers but review this in 12 months.
(7) Agrees to not re-introduce the 20p luggage surcharge at this time.
(8) Agrees to permit the £1.80 airport pick-up charge to be applied as an extra on the fare card.
(9) Agrees that the Fare is reviewed again in 12 months’ time.
(10) Agrees to increase the fouling charge from £30 to £50.
Supporting documents:
- Hackney Carriage Fare Review 2022, item 88. PDF 141 KB
- Appendix 1 - Current Fare Tariff determined December 2020, item 88. PDF 56 KB
- Appendix 2 - Halcrow Manchester Formula – component data sources, item 88. PDF 72 KB
- Appendix 3 - Hackney Licence Holder Online Survey, item 88. PDF 94 KB
- Appendix 4 - Core Cities & GM Fare Comparison on a 2 mile journey, item 88. PDF 82 KB
- Appendix 5 - Core Cities Comparison on a 1 hour waiting time, item 88. PDF 52 KB