Agenda item
Final Evaluation of the Crumpsall Selective Licensing Area and Proposed Next Phase of Selective Licensing
- Meeting of Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 23rd June, 2022 2.00 pm (Item 25.)
Report of the Interim Director of Housing and Residential Growth and Strategic Director Neighbourhoods attached
This report provides Members with the outcomes of the evaluation of the Crumpsall Selective Licensing area and advises on the proposed future phases of selective licensing.
The Committee considered the report of the Interim Director of Housing and Residential Growth and Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods) that provided Members with the outcomes of the evaluation of the Crumpsall Selective Licensing (SL) area and to advise Members on the proposed future phases of selective licensing.
Key points and themes in the report included:
· Providing and introduction and background of the schemes, noting that a key theme of the Council’s Private Rented Sector Strategy is tackling poor quality management in the Private Rented Sector;
· A description of the implementation of the Crumpsall Scheme;
· An analysis of the property conditions following compliance inspections;
· Information in relation to enforcement activities to address poor property conditions and other related enforcement activity and property management;
· Feedback from Neighbourhood Teams and case studies;
· Information in relation to communications and engagement;
· A summary and lessons learned; and
· Conclusions, noting that the long-term plan was to continue to roll out new phases of SL across the city.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· Fully supporting the roll out of Selective Licensing;
· Was there evidence of landlords passing on the cost of licensing to their tenants in the form of rent increases;
· Clarification was sought to how exemptions to licensing was determined;
· Noting the positive impact the introduction of Selective Licensing had on strengthening relationships between residents and the Council;
· The schemes improved residents knowledge of their rights as tenants;
· Welcoming the inclusion of real examples within the report and more needed to be done to promote the positive outcomes of these schemes; and
· Could schemes be extended beyond the five year designation.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment welcomed the Committee’s continued support for the further roll out of selective licensing as a tool for improving property standards within the Private Rented Sector. He said that these schemes were an opportunity to engage with both landlords and tenants and had increased tenants’ awareness of their rights.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment stated that it was important to raise awareness of these schemes and every opportunity was taken to do so, particularly when action was taken against rogue landlords. He further added that good practice and learning was shared with other Local Authorities. He stated that appropriate consideration was given to ensure that all publicity, information and advice were provided so as to ensure that all resident’s, particularly for those for whom English was not their first language were made aware of the schemes.
The Compliance and Enforcement Specialist stated that there was no evidence to suggest that rent increases had occurred as a result of landlords passing on the cost of the licence to their tenants, however this continued to be monitored. She further advised that the list of exemptions from licensing was prescribed in the legislation.
The Interim Director of Housing and Residential Growth stated that the five year designation for a scheme was again prescribed in legislation and consideration had to be given as to how the improvements achieved are sustained.
The Committee:-
(1) Note the report.
(2) Endorse the roll out of the Selective Licensing scheme in the eight areas identified within the report.
Supporting documents:
- Crumpsall Selective Licensing Area Final Evaluation, item 25. PDF 499 KB
- Appendix 1 – Crumpsall Selective Licensing Area, item 25. PDF 171 KB
- Appendix 2 – Fly tipping, street cleansing untidy gardens and housing requests Crumpsall Evaluation, item 25. PDF 446 KB
- Appendix 3 - Selective Licensing, Rolling Programme; Criteria & Evidence Base, item 25. PDF 428 KB