Agenda item
Manchester Housing Strategy (2022-2032)
- Meeting of Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 23rd June, 2022 2.00 pm (Item 23.)
Report of the Interim Director of Housing and Residential Growth attached.
This report provides an update on the development of the new Manchester Housing Strategy (2022-2032). The Strategy brings together themes from the previous Housing Strategy (2015-21) and the Residential Growth Strategy (2015-25) into a single, holistic document.
The Committee considered the report of the Interim Director of Housing & Residential Growth that provided an update on the development of the new Manchester Housing Strategy (2022-2032).
Key points and themes in the report included:
· The strategy was the product of an extensive consultation and stakeholder engagement exercise;
· It set an ambitious target to increase housing supply and affordable housing growth in particular;
· The strategy brought together themes from the previous Housing Strategy (2015-21) and the Residential Growth Strategy (2015-25) into a single, holistic document
· The strategy set out a long-term vision which considered how best to deliver the city’s housing priorities and objectives, building on progress already made, whilst tackling head on the scale and complexity of the challenges ahead. and
· Describing the four priorities of the strategy which were to:
· Increase affordable housing supply and build more new homes for all residents.
· Work to end homelessness and ensure housing is affordable and accessible to all.
· Address inequalities and create neighbourhoods where people want to live.
· Address the sustainability and zero carbon challenges in new and existing housing stock.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· The Committee fully supported the strategy;
· The Committee endorsed the ambitions and priorities described, particularly in regard to carbon emissions, equalities and affordability;
· Noting the issue of density, due consideration needed to be given to active travel, appropriate provision of bike parking, biodiversity, green space and the emerging evidence in relation to the ‘heat island’ effect of cities and the impact this had on individuals and the wider contribution to the heating of the planet;
· What was the relationship with Homes England, noting that financial support from them was required;
· The need for continued scrutiny on the delivery of the strategy;
· The request to scrutinise strategies, such as the emerging Local Plan at the development stage so that the Committee could contribute and inform their development;
· How would the Local Plan impact on the Housing Strategy;
· What was the approach to using existing brown field land to deliver housing as part of this strategy;
· The need to engage with local developers;
· If private landlords left the market as a result of increased regulation would the Council or Housing partners purchase properties;
· Noting the impact the Right To Buy policy had on the levels of social housing across the city;
· Noting that there was a need to develop green skills and training in the city to support retrofit activities at scale and the delivery of future housing developments;
· The need to consider wider infrastructure needs, such as the provision of schools and health services when developing housing plans as these were vital to support neighbourhoods and communities; and
· The need for an estate wide approach to retrofitting.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment welcomed the comments from the Committee and responded to their questions by saying that the Council had a positive relationship with Homes England and dialogue continued with them regarding funding to deliver the ask from Manchester. He stated that he welcomed the continued scrutiny of the delivery of this strategy, and he would discuss this further with the Chair to agree a timetable of reports to the Committee.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment stated that he fully supported the end of Section 21, no-fault eviction notices and the wider implications of the Renters Reform Bill, adding that if private landlords did leave the market due to increased regulation of the sector all options for securing these properties would be considered, especially larger family homes, adding that the increase of purpose built student accommodation could also release larger properties back into the market. He advised that the impact of both austerity and Section 21 notices had significantly contributed to the number of families living in temporary accommodation in Manchester, and that over the years Manchester had lost over 25,000 properties as a result of the Right To Buy policy. He stated that the Government had not provided funding to replace these lost homes and called for an immediate end to the policy and strongly opposed any extension to this scheme.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment informed the Committee that consideration was given to releasing Brownfield land, using Greater Manchester funding to deliver housing and by extension protect greenbelt land. He advised that all opportunities to maximise the use of Council owned land to deliver housing would be considered in partnership with local Housing Providers.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment advised that the issue of housing was not considered in isolation and the need to deliver wider infrastructure, such as schools, active travel and health services was understood, and that appropriate consideration and planning was given to this. He further stated that he recognised the need for an estate wider approach to retrofitting, noting the issues raised by the Member.
The Strategic Director (Growth and Development) advised that the Housing Strategy would be taken into account when developing the Local Plan, adding that the Local Plan would help deliver the ambitions described within the Housing Strategy, particularly in regard to the zero carbon build standards and modern methods of construction. She further advised that the issue of green skills and training was understood, and work was being developed with local colleges to respond to this, noting that a Retrofit Academy had been established at the Manchester College Openshaw campus. This provided T levels in construction for new learners and those wishing to retrain or re-enter the work force. She advised that the issue of green skills and employment was a key priority for both Manchester and Greater Manchester. The Chair commented that the issue of green skills and employment would be scheduled into the Committee’s work programme.
The Interim Director of Housing and Residential Growth advised that the issues raised in relation to bike parking and storage, biodiversity, green space and the ‘heat island’ effect were discussed with developers and reference was made to the delivery of the Victoria North development and the good practice and models implemented as part of that scheme. He further added that all options for engaging with smaller local developers would be considered.
The Committee:-
(1) Support the draft Housing Strategy (2022-2032).
(2) Agree that the final version of the Housing Strategy (2022-2032) be taken for consideration by the Executive in July 2022.
Supporting documents:
- Manchester Housing Strategy (2022-2032), item 23. PDF 401 KB
- Appendix 1 - Manchester Housing Strategy (2022-2032), item 23. PDF 461 KB
- Appendix 2 - Consultation Timetable, item 23. PDF 222 KB
- Appendix 3 - Housing Strategy Equality Impact Assessment, item 23. PDF 280 KB