Agenda item
Proceedings of Committees
To submit for approval the minutes of the following meetings and consider recommendations made by the committee:
Audit Committee – 5 November 2018
Health and Wellbeing Board – 31 October 2018
Licensing Committee – 22 October 2018
Licensing and Appeals Committee – 22 October 2018
Planning and Highways Committee – 18 October and 15 November 2018
Constitutional and Nomination Committee – 28 November 2018 (to follow) and to also consider any recommendations contained in the minutes of that meeting that are to be available at the meeting
Personnel Committee – 14 November 2018, in particular to consider the recommendation in:-
PE/18/28 Recruitment to the post of Executive Director Strategic Commissioning (including Director of Adult Social Services functions)
To recommend that during the period of act-up, the Council agree that the Director Social Care be paid the bottom SCP of the evaluated grade (SS5) for the Executive Director post, an annual salary of £121,692.
Standards Committee – 1 November 2018, in particular to consider the recommendation in:-
ST/18/21 Consideration of the introduction of DBS checks for all Members
To recommend to Council that it:
(a) continues to carry out enhanced DBS checks with a check of the barred lists of members who sit on the Fostering and Adoption Panels or who undertake regulation 44 inspections of children's homes;
(b) undertakes enhanced DBS checks, with a check of the barred lists, for all other elected and co-opted members who undertake “saved” regulated activities, namely
· all members of the Executive,
· all members of the Health and Wellbeing Board,
· all members of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee,
· all members of the Health Scrutiny Committee; and
(c) requests all other members and co-opted members to agree to basic disclosure checks.
The minutes of the following meetings were submitted:
Audit Committee – 5 November 2018
Health and Wellbeing Board – 31 October 2018
Licensing Committee – 22 October 2018
Licensing and Appeals Committee – 22 October 2018
Planning and Highways Committee – 18 October and 15 November 2018
Personnel Committee – 14 November 2018
Constitutional and Nomination Committee – 28 November 2018
The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendations:
Personnel Committee 14 November 2018
PE/18/28 Recruitment to the post of Executive Director Strategic Commissioning (including Director of Adult Social Services functions)
The Council to approve that during the period of act-up the Director Social Care be paid the bottom SCP of the evaluated grade (SS5) for the Executive Director post, an annual salary of £121,692.
Standards Committee 1 November 2018
ST/18/21 Consideration of the introduction of DBS checks for all Members
The Council agrees to:
(a) continue to carry out enhanced DBS checks with a check of the barred lists of members who sit on the Fostering and Adoption Panels or who undertake regulation 44 inspections of children's homes;
(b) undertake enhanced DBS checks, with a check of the barred lists, for all other elected and co-opted members who undertake “saved” regulated activities, namely:
· all members of the Executive,
· all members of the Health and Wellbeing Board,
· all members of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee,
· all members of the Health Scrutiny Committee; and
(c) request all other members and co-opted members to agree to basic disclosure checks.
Constitutional and Nomination Committee 28 November 2018
CN/18/95Membership of Council committees and representation on joint boards and joint committees
Membership of Committees
To recommend to Council the following changes in appointments to Committees and Joint Committees of the Council:
Committee |
Member removed |
Member appointed |
Planning and Highways Committee |
Councillor Strong |
Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee |
Councillor Douglas |
GM Housing, Planning and Environmental Scrutiny |
Councillor Wilson |
- To approve that during the period of act-up the Director Social Care be paid the bottom SCP of the evaluated grade (SS5) for the Executive Director post, an annual salary of £121,692.
- To approve that the Council:
(a) continue to carry out enhanced DBS checks with a check of the barred lists of members who sit on the Fostering and Adoption Panels or who undertake regulation 44 inspections of children's homes;
(b) undertake enhanced DBS checks, with a check of the barred lists, for all other elected and co-opted members who undertake “saved” regulated activities, namely:
· all members of the Executive,
· all members of the Health and Wellbeing Board,
· all members of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee,
· all members of the Health Scrutiny Committee; and
(c) request all other members and co-opted members to agree to basic disclosure checks.
- To approve the changes to the membership of Committees and joint boards and joint committees, as detailed below:
Committee |
Member removed |
Member appointed |
Planning and Highways Committee |
Councillor Strong |
Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee |
Councillor Douglas |
GM Housing, Planning and Environmental Scrutiny |
Councillor Wilson |
Supporting documents: