Browse meetings

Browse meetings

Manchester Partnership Board

This page lists the meetings for Manchester Partnership Board.

Webcasts of meetings are available at Webcasts on Vimeo.


Information about Manchester Partnership Board

The Manchester Partnership Board is a Committee or Sub-Committee of the NHS GM Integrated Care Board (ICB), and brings together the senior leaders of the City Council, NHS (primary, secondary and community and mental health services) and the VCSE from across the city to exercise those functions delegated to it by NHS GM.  Its role is to focus on shared priorities; those areas where, by working together, we can improve the health and well-being of the people of Manchester.


The purpose of Manchester Partnership Board (MPB) is to:


·                Agree the shared priorities and strategic direction for health and care and public health in Manchester.

·                Ensure integrated and aligned delivery across health and care and public health.

·                Agree any resource allocation within the scope of responsibility delegated to it by another party.

·                Ensure that all elements of Council and NHS services are aligned with the agreed strategic direction.

·                Act as an interface with the GM Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Integrated Care Partnership (ICP).


Manchester’s patients and residents will be at the heart of the work of MPB.