Browse meetings

Browse meetings

Planning and Highways Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning and Highways Committee.

Webcasts of meetings are available at Webcasts on Vimeo.

Information about Planning and Highways Committee

The Council has delegated to the Planning and Highways Committee determines planning applications (however, in exceptional circumstances the Committee may decide not to exercise its delegation in relation to a specific application but to make recommendations to the full Council). 


It is the Council's policy to consult people as fully as possible before making decisions that affect them. Members of the public do not have a right to speak at meetings but the Committee will usually allow applicants and objectors to address them for up to four minutes. If you have a special interest in an item on the agenda and want to speak, tell the Committee Officer, who will pass on your request to the Chair. Groups of people will usually be asked to nominate a spokesperson.


The Council is concerned to ensure that its meetings are as open as possible and confidential business is kept to the strict minimum. When confidential items are involved these are considered at the end of the meeting at which point members of the public are asked to leave.


The Council welcomes the filming, recording, public broadcast and use of social media to report on the Committee’s meetings by members of the public.


Agenda, reports and minutes of all Council committees can be found on the Council’s website