Browse meetings

Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Executive.

Webcasts of meetings are available at Webcasts on Vimeo.


Information about Executive

Executive is the Council’s ‘Cabinet’ rather than a committee of the Council. The Executive is made up of 10 Councillors: the Leader and two Deputy Leaders of the Council and 7 Executive Members with responsibility for: Early Years, Children and Young People; Health Manchester and Adult Social Care; Finance and Resources; Environment and Transport; Vibrant Neighbourhoods; Housing and Development; and Skills, Employment and Leisure. The Leader of the Council chairs the meetings of the Executive


The Executive has full authority for implementing the Council’s Budgetary and Policy Framework, and this means that most of its decisions do not need approval by Council, although they may still be subject to detailed review through the Council’s overview and scrutiny procedures.


It is the Council’s policy to consult people as fully as possible before making decisions that affect them. Members of the public do not have a right to speak at meetings but may do so if invited by the Chair.


The Council is concerned to ensure that its meetings are as open as possible and confidential business is kept to a strict minimum. When confidential items are involved these are considered at the end of the meeting at which point members of the public and the press are asked to leave.


Furthermore, in accordance with Part 2, Section 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 notice is given of the intention to hold part of the meetings of the Executive in private, with the press and the public excluded. This will be to allow consideration of agenda items containing confidential or ‘exempt information’ as provided for in the Local Government Access to Information Act. The full list of business will be published in the agenda about a week before the meeting is to take place. If you wish to make representations about the intention to hold part of a meeting in private please email or write to the address shown on any of the Executive’s agenda papers.