Agenda and minutes
Licensing Policy Committee - Friday, 10th March, 2023 10.00 am
Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions
Contact: Ian Smith
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2021. Minutes: It was raised that the minutes for the previous meeting referenced a report on the progress of a gambling harm reduction programme being brought to this Committee but that had not happened. The Principal Licensing Officer stated their apologies that this had not been done but they were working on a report that linked to this programme that would be due before this Committee in the future.
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2021. |
Review of Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2028 PDF 107 KB The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report that presented a draft revision of the Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003 and the proposed method of consultation. Officers’ recommendations were:
i. To agree the draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy be consulted on ii. To request officers to consult the statutory consultees and other appropriate persons in accordance with the proposed consultation strategy. iii. To request officers to bring a further report to the Committee following that consultation, detailing any consultation responses and any consequential proposed amendments to the draft policy.
The Principal Licensing Officer presented the report, stating that the Licensing Act 2003 covers the following Licensable activities: Sale or supply of alcohol, Provision of regulated entertainment, Provision of facilities for regulated entertainment and Provision of late-night refreshment. The review aimed to deal with specific changes related to licensed premises since the policy was last reviewed. These included Women’s Safety, Spiking, Vulnerability, Martyn’s Law, and Shadow Licenses. The review aimed to take a more area-based focus with specific objectives, noting areas with a ‘cluster’ of licensed premises. The policy aimed to encourage a diversified and balanced licensed economy, with specific thoughts on style and type of venue, location, hours and operating standards.
There was a focus on venue diversity, density and availability, with the ultimate aim to promote growth. The policy wanted to ensure that there was an appropriate mix of venue types, including non-alcohol related venue types. It was aiming to encourage the positive development of clustering of Licensed Premises. The review wanted to contribute to cultural vibrancy without unduly impacting the local area.
It was noted that it can be difficult to clearly establish the intended nature of a venue from the information required in an application. The policy looked to change this by recognising there are different styles of operation and promoting additional information being provided with applications relating to this, such as a plan of management to set out the concept of a business. This will assist in determining the impact of the business on the local area.
Within area based considerations, the special policies related to Ancoats, Fallowfield and Withington were to be retained, whilst broadening the scope of the policy to consider all areas with notable clusters of licensed premises or emerging areas.The policy proposed a more conservative approach for alcohol-led venues in some city centre areas. The Cumulative Impact Policy for Fallowfield was revised to a more nuanced approach but retaining a strict approach towards certain new licenses, including alcohol-led venues or takeaways. The special policy for Ancoats remained in the revised policy but the wording had been amended to be more consistent with the general approach of Section 6 of the policy.
New considerations to Temporary Event Notices were proposed, particularly relating to those where multiple TENs were requested and the appropriateness of a TEN for boxing and other compact sport events. It was noted that TENs are limited in the options for Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Panels in terms ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |