Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub Committee Hearing Panel - Monday, 13th January, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions

Contact: Callum Jones 

No. Item


Application for a New Premises Licence - Metro Stores, UNIT 2, MM2, Redhill Street, Manchester, M4 5AG pdf icon PDF 120 KB

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Hearing Panel considered a report from the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing concerning an application for a new Premises Licence application. The Hearing Panel considered the written representations within the papers and the oral representations of the parties who attended the hearing, as well as the relevant legislation.


The Applicant attended the hearing along with his representative. Responsible Authority representatives were also present as were four local objectors.


The Subcommittee heard from the Applicant that he had nine years’ experience and currently operated three other licensed premises. The Applicant stated the level of investment that had gone into the premises and confirmed that the premises would be run independently as a franchise of Co-op (Nisa). He stated an intention to employ eighteen people overall including a security guard who would be on the door from 21:00 every night.


The Applicant also informed the Subcommittee that he had worked in the army as a Reserve for 10 years and that he resides in an apartment above the premises. He explained that he wished to work with the community to address the current issues and had spoken with Neighbourhood Watch operatives about being included in the established communication platforms to report issues such as shop lifters in the area. He also stated that 5% of sales revenue would be invested in the community. 

The Applicant gave an outline of the areas outside of the premises that were covered by CCTV cameras, one of which was referred to as a ‘black spot’. He also stated that the latter now benefited from additional lighting in addition to CCTV coverage. The Applicant said that he wished to work with the community to address the issues of antisocial behaviour in the area and assured the objectors that the premises would help to address the current issues and would instead deliver a positive contribution to the community.


On questioning by Licensing and Out Of Hours (LOOH) the Applicant gave details of his understanding of some of the Licensing Objectives and the definition of proxy sales, adding that he was aware of the importance of preventing underage sales. The Applicant also confirmed his awareness of the implications of the city centre Public Space Protection Order, adding that staff would be trained in relation to this and confirming that notices would be displayed.


In relation to football match days and days when there were large scale events on at the Co-op Arena the Applicant stated there would be 4 security guards on duty.

The Applicant was asked numerous questions by the residents in respect of how the premises would address and seek not to contribute to ongoing antisocial behaviour issues. In his responses the Applicant informed the residents that he wished to work with the community to improve the issues in the area. The Applicant confirmed that the security guard and staff would be trained to not serve people that are drunk or street drinking outside the premises.


A local business owner also asked similar questions  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.