Agenda and minutes
Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 1st November, 2023 10.00 am
Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension
Contact: Andrew Woods
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2023. Minutes: Decision
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2023 as a correct record. |
Manchester Partnership Board Update The report of the Deputy Place Based Lead is enclosed. Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Place Based Lead that provided an update on the topics discussed at the private meeting of the Manchester Partnership Board held 3 October 2023. Reference was made to ongoing work concerning:
· Commissioning work within Manchester and Greater Manchester, concerning the integrated commissioning function for health and social care with all partners. · Winter planning relating to Urgent and Emergency Care Capacity Funding. It was reported that agreement had been reached on the most effective use for the limited level of funding available for the winter period. The funding will be used for additional capacity in primary care. It was acknowledged that work with partners had enabled the funding available to be targeted in areas of need. The Chair also reported that so far, no response had been received to the lettersent to the Secretary of State for Health, from him and Councillor Green (Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee), concerning funding arrangements for the Integrated Care Board (ICB) for the 2023/24 winter period. Any response received would be circulated to members of the Board and the Health Scrutiny Committee. The Chair also reported that he will discuss the importance of using the Urgent and Emergency Care Capacity Funding effectively with the Deputy Chief Executive (Manchester Foundation Trust).
The Board noted the report. |
Fairer Health for All The report of Director of Population Health, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care and Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Population Health, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care and the Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council, that described the opportunities for the Manchester Locality, through the Health and Wellbeing Board, to input and shape priorities for co-ordinated action on health inequalities across Greater Manchester.
The report described that Fairer Health for All (FHFA) was a system-wide commitment and framework for reducing health inequality and tackling inequalities across the wider, social, and commercial determinants of health, leading to a greener, fairer, more prosperous city-region. In addition, it was noted that FHFA had been co-produced through extensive locality and community participation and engagement over the past fifteen months, which had taken place alongside the development of NHS Greater Manchester’s Integrated Care Partnership strategy and the Five Year Joint Forward Plan.
Consideration would also be given to the proposed principles, targets and metrics in the Greater Manchester Fairer Health for All Framework. It was important to note that Manchester already had the well-developed Making Manchester Fairer Action Plan (2023-2027) and the Director of Public Health, Deputy Director of Public Health and the GM Director of Population Health would continue to work collaboratively to ensure plans were aligned and clear.
The Board was requested to review and comment on the Fairer Health for All Framework Engagement Draft and engagement questions outlined in section 2.2 of the report submitted.
The Director of Population Health provided an overview of the plan and outlined the ongoing work to align sectors in addressing health inequalities. The Board was informed that the document sets out a plan and provides practical tools and resources to help make Fairer Health for All a reality. This includes two central tools: a Fairer Health for All Academy to support learning and development and Health and Care Intelligence Hub will foster shared learning and collaboration and collate vast and diverse intelligence, data and insights from across public and VCFSE partners.
Confirmation was given that the Fairer Health for All will be submitted to the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership. Health Trusts will also receive the document for comment, via a task group appointed to provide the alignment to Manchester Foundation Trust. Discussions are currently ongoing to determine how the providers will be engaged.
The Chair welcomed and commented that the report is accessible to all audiences. In reference to the delivery work within localities it was requested that separate reference should be included in the final document to acknowledge this.
It was reported that the final report will include all linked plans as well as references to locality work.
The Chair invited questions and comments from the Board.
In response to the report the board made the following comments: -
In welcoming the report, the Chair of MFT highlighted the importance of using the document as a tool to help engage with and better inform local people and MFT members and use the input to complement the work of MFT Governors.
Reference was ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
Making Manchester Fairer: Tackling Health Inequalities in Manchester 2022-2027 The report of Deputy Director of Public Health is enclosed. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Director of Public Health that described the key achievements of the Making Manchester Fairer programme in September as well as an update on the Communities and Power Theme and the Race & Health Education Programme.
The report and accompanying presentation described that a comprehensive and immersive education programme on Race and Health Equity had been developed and commissioned. The programme was launched on 18 September at the Manchester Art Museum with partners from across the council, health, and housing attending. 75 people had been invited as the first cohort which would enable our workforce to be better informed, equipped and confident to implement the right solutions that will improve outcomes for communities experiencing racial inequality and discrimination.
The report and accompanying presentation further described that a Communities and Power Steering Group, co-chaired by Manchester City Council’s Deputy Leader Cllr Rahman, and Executive Member for Vibrant Neighbourhoods Cllr Igbon, had been established to drive forward the actions outlined within the two Manchester-specific themes of (i) Tackling systemic racism and discrimination, and (ii) Communities and power. The Communities and Power Steering Group work had developed several workstreams that would support the delivery of the aims and objectives of the MMF Action Plan.
The Chair invited questions from the Board.
A member asked if there is an opportunity for partners to join up existing workstreams relating to race and racism in the workplace to help amplify the approach across Manchester. With reference to neighbourhood working, and in particular community development work, the comment was made that it is important for community-based roles/skills to be co-ordinated to ensure that the same approach and methodology are used whenever the community is being engaged and amplify this across Manchester.
It was reported that the work to amplify workstreams is already taking place through the regular meetings with those linked to the various organisations involved. Highlighting the work would be discussed to decide how to best showcase what is happening and how specialist skills are used.
In response to a comment made on the importance of achieving the correct narrative for a holistic approach from organisations, the board was informed that partners involved in housing had set up a task group to work on all eight themes to engage with communities and reflect on the approach of the organisation. The task group has enabled specific matters to be addressed in a joined-up approach from the partner organisations.
A member referred to the Community Development Review and the importance of ensuring service users have a voice and that the voice is heard and asked how the services users will know they have been heard and how will that help to shape future actions.
It was reported that the maturity assessment quality standards will measure how the information received is used and will feed back to the participants on any action taken on issues raised. The Community and Residents Involvement Framework provides a description of the arrangements for engagement and accountability. A ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Stopping the start: Our new plan to create a smokefree generation in Manchester The report of Director of Public Health is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health that provided an update to previous reports about the Tobacco Control and Vaping Programme and set out the response to the government’s proposals.
Noting that on 4 October 2023,the Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, wrote to Directors of Public Health to advise them of the government’s future plans to control tobacco use and vaping. The letter was accompanied by the publication of a Command Paper titled, “Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation.” The Command Paper sets out the government’s plan to prevent addiction to all forms of tobacco, to support current smokers to “quit” and to enhance the controls and legislation around electronic cigarettes, with the aim of curtailing the worrying phenomenon of youth vaping.
The proposals contained within the Command Paper are the subject of a major public and professional consultation which closes on the 6 December 2023.
The Department of Public Health at Manchester City Council welcomes the contents of the Command Paper because smoking remains the biggest cause of preventable death in Manchester. Government estimates suggest that there have been as many, if not more, deaths from smoking, as from COVID-19 in England since the start of the pandemic. In Manchester, although improvements have been made, smoking rates are still higher than national averages.
Vaping, when used appropriately, could be one of the treatment solutions available to support tobacco users to manage their addiction to Nicotine and ultimately to “quit” smoking. However, Manchester is experiencing some of the social problems associated with vaping, in terms of youth vaping and a significant counterfeit market.
Manchester City Council and partner organisations had taken a whole system approach to Tobacco Control for many years. The well-established partnership programme had been extended to incorporate the phenomenon of vaping and is well placed to implement all the government’s recommendations and much of this work is already underway.
The report described that the Director of Public Health had worked with the Programme Lead for Tobacco Control to collate a Manchester response to the proposals contained within the Command Paper. These are set out in section 6.4 and the Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to comment on each of them. Pending any additions and changes suggested by the Board, the Chair, supported by the Director of Public Health, will submit the formal response to the consulation on behalf of the Board by 6 December 2023. The report presented the initial summary responses.
The Chair in acknowledging the importance ofTobacco Control and Vaping Programme, thanked officers for the work undertaken.
The Chair requested an update be submitted to the next meeting of the Board in January 2024, to set out what the intensions are for Manchester and the proposals to use the allocated funding from the Government.
The Board was advised that a bid will also be submitted for funding for the Swap to Stop Scheme. This will ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |