Agenda and minutes
Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 3rd November, 2021 10.00 am
Venue: Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions
Contact: Andrew Woods
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair PDF 137 KB To consider any items which the Chair has agreed to have submitted as urgent.
· Better Care Fund - return Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Midgley was appointed Chair for the meeting. |
Better Care Fund (BCF) return To consider any appeals from the public against refusal to allow inspection of background documents and/or the inclusion of items in the confidential part of the agenda. Minutes: The Chair informed the Board that an item of urgent business had been agreed to accept theBetter Care Fund return report of the Senior Planning Manager, MHCC. The report had been circulated to members of the Board in advance of the meeting.
The report described that NHS England had requested that a BCF return is completed for Manchester which demonstrated the plan to successfully deliver integrated health and social care.
The plan focused on the requirement to reduce long length of stay in acute settings and to provide support for people to remain in the community by having effective discharge pathways and social care provision.
NHS England requested that the plan was approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board prior to being submitted to them by 16 November 2021.
The Chair invited members of the Board to ask questions.
A member of the board referred to arrangement made forpatients following their discharge from hospital and asked how a care package would made available if needed.
It was reported that a reablement support package will be applied within the four to six weeks period after leaving hospital.
The Director of Adult Social Services informed the meeting that anyone requiring care as part of a targeted intervention, under the Care Act, would receive an assessment and a care package would then be set up and delivered by home care providers.
1. To approve the Better Care Fund return.
2. To approve the narrative return in support of the Better Care Fund plan. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2021 were submitted for approval.
To agree as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 1 September 2021. |
Winter Planning: COVID-19 and Flu PDF 105 KB Report of the Director of Public Health and Medical Director, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
The attached slideset describes the planned approach to delivering both the COVID-19 and flu vaccination programmes over the coming months. These programmes sit alongside the winter plans of local NHS Trusts and Adult Social Care and the overarching national Autumn/Winter Plan. An additional update on the latest data and intelligence will be provided at the Board meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the joint presentation of the Director of Public Health and the Medical Director, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning that described the planned approach to delivering both the COVID-19 and flu vaccination programmes over the coming months. The Board noted that these programmes sat alongside the winter plans of local NHS Trusts and Adult Social Care and the overarching national Autumn/Winter Plan.
The Director of Public Health provided an update on the current data for Manchester at 13 October 2021. Manchester had a rate of 274.9 and was 9 within Greater Manchester and 285 of all local authorities in England. Transmission rates were currently highest within the 11 to 16 years age groups. Reference was made to the rates within the over 60 years age group, that have risen and the importance of continued messaging across the population to take up the offer of the first dose, second dose and the booster vaccine to help prevent hospitalisation. Details were also provided on the impact of covid on secondary care, in particular the number of patients in hospital, those discharged and the impact on staff absences.
The Medical Director, MHCC provided an update on the winter vaccine programme. Details of the first dose, second dose and booster vaccine uptake across Manchester were provided and it was explained that the vaccine is openly available to encourage wide take up. Work is ongoing to directly notify residents that have not received a first or a second booster vaccine and to invite them to come forward to receive it. Changes to guidance on the provision of the vaccine booster allows the booster to be given before 6 months had past and this was being co-administered with the flu vaccine at the same time to reduce the need for multiple trips. The Board was advised of the timetable and programmes in place to engage with different groups to boost take up of the vaccine that has included various methods of communication to target and engage as widely as possible.
The Chair invited questions and comments from Members of the Board.
A member of the Board referred to the take up rates of the vaccine by the school age children and importance of increasing this and to ensure that schools across the city remain open.
To note the presentation. |
Manchester Climate Change Framework 2.0 PDF 887 KB Report of the Director, Manchester Climate Change Agency
The purpose of the report is to highlight the increasing evidence of a strong correlation between climate vulnerability and health inequalities, to provide an update on the refresh of the city’s Climate Change Framework (Framework 2.0) and to seek guidance on the best way to bring expert advice on Health & Wellbeing into the Framework refresh, both in the short and longer term.
Minutes: The Board received the report of the Director, Manchester Climate Change Agency that discussed the evidence of a strong correlation between climate vulnerability and health inequalities; to provide an update on the refresh of the city’s Climate Change Framework (Framework 2.0) and to seek guidance on the best way to bring expert advice on Health and Wellbeing into the Framework refresh, both in the short and longer term.
Reference was made to section 4 of the report, that sought support from the Board with the third headline objective on ‘health and wellbeing’ for setting the right objectives and targets and tracking progress with their implementation. The report set out two proposals for consideration:
a) The Health & Well Being Board itself acts as the independent Advisory Group for the Climate Change Framework’s third headline objective. b) The Health & Well Being Board create a new sub-group of appropriate level members to be the independent Advisory group, which is then overseen by the Board.
The Chair invited questions and comments from Members of the Board.
Members of the Board welcomed the report and referred to the importance of focussing on the impact of climate change on health and making the commitment to the bringing together of the partner agencies to work towards this.
The Director of Public Health proposed that a sub-group be established to help support Climate Change Framework 2.0. The membership of the sub-group would be determined following consultation with partners.
Decisions The Board agreed to:
1. Note the recent publication of a number of key reports that provide evidence of a strong link between climate vulnerability and health inequality.
2. Provide feedback on the type of indicators that could be adopted to show progress on addressing climate change and health inequalities.
Establish a Sub-Group to provide support for the Climate Change Framework 2.0. |
The report of the Strategic Director of Children and Education Services is enclosed.
The report and slide set provides an overview of the citywide approach to listening to what children and young people need to help direct collective resources, support and communities to bring more opportunities, training and experiences for the next generation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the report and presentation of the Strategic Director of Children and Education Services that discussed the issues and key concerns identified during COVID-19 that must be addressed before they became entrenched and hinder, or even prevent the progress of our children and young people.
The Our Year Lead officer gave an overview and a presentation that described that a citywide approach is required to listening to what children and young people want; and then harness collective resources, support communities to bring more opportunities, training and experiences for the next generation. ‘Our Year’ 2022 will see partners listening and acting together to create an offer of activities, opportunities and experiences.
From the ongoing work the Board was informed that an expression of interest would be made by Manchester to become part of UNICEF’s Child Friendly City and Communities Programme. This would include a number of themes that would be brought to the Health and Wellbeing Board for further work to develop and engage with partners. The engagement of young people had provided valuable data on what is important to young people in the city. These included: family and friends, Education, Environment, Healthy Lives, having fun things to do and feeling included. A calendar of key events is being developed to include key events throughout the year. Members of the Board were invited to be involved in the initiative and to become Active Advocates.
The Chair welcomed the report and in particular, the link to mental and physical health of young people.
Members of the Board were the invited to questions and comment.
Members of the Board noted the enthusiasm and motivation of the young people who had been engaged so far in the process and the richness of the responses they had provided as well as the modesty of some of the requests.
Officers were asked if a fund had been made available and how would the initiative be evaluated to determine how successful the year had been.
It was reported that some funding would be made available for the initiative. Contact had been made with the business sector to help raise support for proposed activities and through other means such as contributing resources via self-funding events, free tickets, mentoring, coaching, donations and work apprenticeships opportunities. The year would be evaluated to measure its success as well as the outcome of the UNICEF Child Friendly City application. Young people will be involved throughout the process and a framework would be developed to measure this through strengthening the voice of young people and how the young people in the city look back at their year.
The Director of Adult Social Services welcomed the initiative and suggested an intergenerational element be included in the initiative that could attract young people to opportunities within the Health and Social Care Sector.
The Board;
Councillor Sir Richard Leese Minutes: The Board noted the decision of Councillor Leese to resign from his position of Leader of the Council and Chair of the Board. In acknowledging his involvement in the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board since it was first established, the Board expressed its gratitude to Councillor Leese for the active role he has played in health related matters, especially for his depth of knowledge and awareness of issues being considered and follow up work he has undertaken to ensure Manchester remains in a strong position. |