Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 20th November, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension

Contact: Andrew Woods 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2024.




To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2024 as a correct record.


Manchester Partnership Board-Feedback


The Board was advised that at their public meeting of 22 October 2024 the Manchester Partnership Board (MPB) had discussed:


·       The Greater Manchester Sustainability Plan and the delivery of a sustainability plan with a focus on financial recovery, performance and the delivery of health and care and how MPB will take forward government proposals as part of a Greater Manchester plan;

·       Making Manchester Fairer Employment Kickstarter and WorkWell;

·       Winter Capacity Funding;

·       Finance Update; and

·       Manchester Provider Collaborative Board Delivery Plan Update.




To note the update provided.


Making Manchester Fairer: Tackling Health Inequalities in Manchester 2022-2027 pdf icon PDF 164 KB

The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health that provided a progress update on three elements of the Making Manchester Fairer Action Plan, namely Theme 7: Tackling Systemic and Structural Racism and Discrimination, Theme 8: Communities and Power and Establishing the Making Manchester Fairer Community Forum.


Theme 7: Tackling Systemic and Structural Racism and Discrimination.


The Board received a presentation from Shamila Kar, Joint Director, Equality and Engagement, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning.  The presentation focussed on the work to improve the experience and outcomes of communities impacted by racial inequality and other marginalised communities facing discrimination by embedding a racial and social justice approach. The Board was advised on progress made and the next steps for the coming year 2025/26. There are three areas of focus:

·       Education programme on health equity

·       Improving the quality of data

·       Strengthening community engagement and collaboration


Details of the Race and Health Equality Education Programme were presented with the learning outcomes and next steps.


Theme 8: Communities and Power


The second presentation was given by Mark Rainey, Head of Neighbourhoods, MCC. The presentation provided an overview of Community Power and the policies, practices and approaches involved. An update was provided on the Community Engagement Maturity Assessment that was also detailed in paragraph 4.2 of the report submitted on the work done and planned over the coming year. Reference was made to the nine quality standards developed in engaging with communities to building community power. The next steps explained how the standards will be introduced to encourage engage more with communities.


Healthy Me Healthy Communities CiC

The third presentation was given by Hollie Louise-Walsh, Deputy CEO, Healthy Me Healthy Communities CiC. The presentation provided an introduction and background on Healthy Me Healthy Communities (HMHC). HMHC is a social enterprise formed in 2012 with the purpose of reducing health inequalities through community development practice, working in partnership with anchor organisations, VCSE organisations and wellbeing services to co-create lasting improvements for people and places, practice and policy.


An update was given on the recruitment to the Community Forum, this included:

·       The process of appraisal and selection of Forum members,

·       Purpose and themes chosen for Forum meetings held in September and October,

·       Engagement opportunities for Forum members

·       The next steps including the items to be addressed at the next meeting of the Forum on 4 December 2024. 


The Chair welcomed the report and thanked the presenters for their informative presentations. Reference was made to the report, in particular the importance of community engagement and building stronger communities. The Chair also commented on the positive feedback received at the Making Manchester Fairer Board on the success of the Community Forum and the experience and value brought to the Forum through its membership. The point was also made that more could be done to talk more about protected characteristics to include those people who are carers and former armed services personnel.


The Chair invited questions from the Board.


In welcoming the report and the presentations,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Stopping the start: creating a smoke free generation in Manchester pdf icon PDF 217 KB

The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed.


The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health that provided an update to earlier reports called, “Stopping the start: Our new plan to create a smokefree generation in Manchester” which were presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on the 1 November 2023 and 24 January 2024 respectively.


This report provided initial information about the new Tobacco and Vapes Bill 2024, reported on how we were using the Local Government Stop Smoking and Support Services Grant and provided an update on the Swap to Stop initiative in Manchester.


The report concluded with an update of tobacco and vaping elements of the government’s budget on the 30 October 2024. The report was provided in two parts relating to Tobacco Control and problems associated with vaping and youth vaping.


The Director of Public Health underlined the importance of the new bill to protect the health of the population and the move towards a smoke free environment.


The Chair requested explanation of Grant Investment Work between April 2024 – October 2024, the Room to Breath Project and trading standards work in dealing with the sale of vapes.


The Board was informed that the grant receive for 2024/25 is £930,000 and it is anticipated that a similar amount will be provided for the next four financial years. Previous year’s spending proposals were reported to the Health and Wellbeing Board. The use of the funding is specially for us on local authority stop smoking services or activities. The grant funding has allowed the service to be grown, and this has included the use of a virtual service as well as a face-to-face service. The number of clinics will increase to locations in Ancoats, Gorton, Harpurhey and Wythenshawe with other pop-up clinics proposed following the success of an event in Withington. the grant funding has been targeted to provide treatment and there has been recruitment of new medical and non-medical staff. The service is neighbourhood based providing for upto to 600 people per year.


In response, a member welcomed the report and the recognition and approach being taken for those people with a mental illness and suffering from addiction where the level of smoking is 42%.


A member referred to the effects of smoking in pregnancy and on children and a culture of vaping within school-age children driven by easy access to the product and the use of attractive packaging and flavours. The point was made that it is important to continue to educate young people on the dangers of vaping. The prevalence of shisha establishments within Manchester and use of other tobacco-based products may not be included in the questions which patients are asked if they smoke and is important that all methods of tobacco use are recognised. 


A member referred to a lack of public awareness of the availability of smoking cessation services and the need to raise public awareness as the service is rolled out.


The Director of Public health referred to the development of an Integrated Wellbeing Service  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Health Protection Update including winter plans pdf icon PDF 991 KB

The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed.


The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health that provided updates on health protection winter planning and key health protection issues including data and surveillance, updates on main issues of concern, seasonal vaccination programme, infection prevention and control planning in settings and adverse weather planning.


The Chair welcomed the report and in doing so acknowledged the important work and service provided by the Health Protection Team with the Department of Health.




The Board noted the report and comments received.


Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) pdf icon PDF 122 KB

The report of the Director of Public Health and Assistant Chief Executive is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health and the and Assistant Chief Executive that provided an update on the progress of Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) Manchester to date. It described the aims and objectives of the HDRC, the work that has taken placed as part of the HDRC development year in 2024 and the current priorities for the ‘full’ HDRC over the 5-year period 2025-2029.


The report described that Health Determinants Research Collaborations (HDRCs) were funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to boost research capacity and capability within local government and embed a culture of using evidence to improve decision making on health and health inequalities. Each HDRC was hosted by a local authority which worked with university partners to build the necessary collaborative infrastructure to plan and undertake research, bringing together local government knowledge and research skills from the academic community with the aim of improving health and securing better outcomes for the public.


In 2023, Manchester City Council, working in partnership with the University of Manchester, Macc and Manchester Patient and Public Advisory Group (PPAG), successfully applied for funding to establish an HDRC in Manchester (officially referred to as ‘HDRC Manchester’). Manchester was one of several local authorities awarded development funding to trail and test some of the new ways of working envisaged in its HDRC application over the course of 2024 as a precursor to becoming a ‘full’, 5 years, HDRC on 1 January 2025. The report set out some of the key activities that have taken place during the development year. This has included producing a vision for Manchester’s HDRC and embedding this within the governance of Making Manchester Fairer. The involvement of the community to determine how the HDRC will work, and the work required with those communities identified, research arrangements and a training needs assessment. The report included the monitoring and evaluation process, and initial priorities identified. 


The Board welcomed the report and the opportunity the HDRC provides to allow the community to inform and provide a rich seam of information through its experiences to help to inform future policy over the next few years. An invitation for an information and data exchange was offered made by Healthwatch.


The Chair thanked officers for the report and requested that the Board receive an annual update report to allow discussion and assess the activities that have taken place during the year. 




The Board:


  1. Noted the work that has taken place as part of the HDRC development year in 2024.


  1. Support the initial priorities and continued delivery of HDRC Manchester over the 5-year period 2025-2029.


3.     That an annual HDRC update report be submitted to the Board.