Agenda and minutes
Planning and Highways Committee - Thursday, 16th January, 2020 11.00 am
Venue: Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension, Manchester
Contact: Andrew Woods
Note: Please note earlier time of meeting
No. | Item |
Supplementary Information on Applications Being Considered PDF 2 MB The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licencing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision
To receive and note the late representations. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: Decision
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2019 as a correct record. |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The committee considered a request for a site visit in view of a question raised about the proposed use of the site in relation to job creation and potential green issues.
To defer consideration of the matter to allow a site visit to be carried out by the members of the Committee. |
121099/FO/2018 - Land at Portugal Street East, Manchester M1 2WX - Piccadilly Ward PDF 2 MB The report of the Director of Planning Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. A site visit will take place prior to the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The application submitted relates to the construction of two residential buildings (Use Class C3) comprising Block one (29 storeys) (224 apartments (four x one bed one person, fifty two x one bed two person, sixty four x two bed three person and one hundred and four x two bed four person) 25% one bed and 75% two bed) Block two (twenty three storeys) (264 apartments forty four x one bed one person, forty four x one bed two person, ninety two x two bed three person and eighty four x two bed four person) (33% one bed and 67% two bed) with a linked central podium, to deliver four hundred and eighty eight units, shared amenity space, twenty seven car parking spaces, four hundred and ninety two cycle spaces, landscaping (including new public park), lighting, highways and associated works following demolition of existing buildings and structures.
The application was deferred at the meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee on 19 December 2019 for a site visit which, took place prior to the meeting.
The application relates to a 0.88 hectares site bounded by Adair Street, Portugal Street East, the Piccadilly – Ashton-under-Lyne Metrolink line / Fair Street, Longacre Street and warehousing situated between Longacre Street and Heyrod Street.
The planning officer did not add anything further to the report submitted.
Councillor Wheeler addressed the Committee in his capacity as ward Councillor (Piccadilly). Reference was made to the size and cost of the proposed development (488 units) which did not include affordable housing, a social housing contribution or S106 contribution. Councillor Wheeler stated that this was unacceptable and the applicant is asked to reconsider the level of contribution.
The applicant’s representative addressed the Committee on the application.
The Planning Officer reported with reference to affordable housing, the figures relating to this are provided in the report submitted and have been tested through an external independent organisation and verified by internal advisors and are consistent with other figures produced for the city centre. There is a clawback mechanism within the S106 agreement which will be retested at an agreed phase of the development process to check if there has been an uplift in incomes. The Committee was informed that the purchase of land to be used for public realm purposes had impacted on the profitability of the development and ability of the developer to contribute to affordable housing.
The Chair invited Committee members to ask questions and comments on the application.
A member referred to the planting arrangements for trees as part of the development and asked if these would involve planting on the street or in planters and what the maintenance arrangements would be. Officers were also asked what similar scale buildings were in the vicinity of the development site.
The Planning Officer reported that any planting of trees would be in the ground and not in planters. Check would need to be made on underground services before planting to prevent damage from digging and roots. The maintenance of ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. A site visit will take place prior to the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The application submitted is for the phased demolition of existing buildings including those marked within Plots A to E of the report and delivery of public realm (including hard and soft landscaping, tree planting and street furniture), including a public square, highways improvements and associated works.
The application was deferred at the meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee on 19 December 2019 for a site visit which took place prior to the meeting.
The proposal relates to the land within the Portugal Street East (PSE) SRF boundary roughly bounded by Adair Street, Portugal Street East, the Piccadilly – Ashton under-Lyne Metrolink line and Longacre Street and Great Ancoats Street (0.91 hectares). The site comprises a mix of highway land and hardstanding with car parking and service areas and buildings which include a single storey building close to the junction of Norton Street and Epworth Street, a complex of buildings occupied by the GMB Group, one and two storey buildings adjacent on Heyrod Street opposite Rammon House, Victoria Buildings on Great Ancoats Street and a two storey complex on Heyrod Street adjacent to Rammon House.
The planning officer did not add anything further to the report submitted.
The applicant’s representative addressed the Committee on the application.
The Chair invited Committee members to ask questions and comments on the application.
A member referred to the application and asked for further explanation on the reference made to HS2 and the impact on the development site.
The planning officer reported that an area of the development land falls within a HS2 safeguarding zone and is identified as ‘land potentially required during construction’ and for provision of the Manchester Piccadilly High Speed Station multi-storey car park to the north of the new HS2 Station located at Travis Street.
The Committee approve the application, subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report submitted. |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for a City Council Development restoration and refurbishment of Manchester Town Hall to facilitate its continued use as the primary civic building in Manchester, incorporating Council offices, civic spaces, Coroner's Courts and accommodation, state rooms and back-of-house support functions, together with ancillary functions, including events, visitor tours, cafe, visitor space and retail area (Sui Generis Use); works to include: revised entrance arrangements including new slopes to Albert Square and Cooper Street entrances; upgrade of catering facilities; roof works; new services, plant and equipment; installation of new building lighting; and associated works. An application for Listed Building Consent for external and internal restoration, refurbishment and alteration works to the Grade I Listed Town Hall building, together with installation of new building lighting was also submitted.
This proposal is one of two related applications that have been submitted in relation to the public realm and the Town Hall.
The works to the Town Hall is based upon eight core principles:
One of the main objectives of the Hall Project is to refurbish and restore the listed building back to its former glory and bring it back into functional civic uses.
The aim is to ensure the project has the maximum positive impact for Manchester residents and businesses and delivers a real legacy of direct and supply-chain jobs and helps those working on the project to gain skills and experience that they can build on and use throughout their careers, as well as inspiring others.
Design development has been informed by intrusive and due diligence surveys to fully understand the condition of the building and the public realm, including the condition of hard landscaping, trees and the location of utilities’ routes.
The construction phase is scheduled to take place between 2019 and 2024 and would commence with works in the building and courtyard, which were granted planning permission and listed building consent in 2019.
The Planning Officer drew the Committee’s attention to the late representation that had been submitted which provided further observations and modifications to conditions. Following this, two further representations were received. One representation referred to the closure of access to traffic and concerns about the creation of “no go” zones for lone pedestrians and cyclists in the city centre and danger to pedestrians from cyclists. The other representation referred to the Disabled Peoples Access Group concerns regarding a lack of consultation and that it only been informed recently about the proposal and would welcome an opportunity to provide views and comments on the ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
124918/VO/2019 - Albert Square, Manchester, M2 4JW - Deansgate Ward PDF 550 KB The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for a City Council Development for the refurbishment and expansion of Albert Square public realm, including its continued use for temporary events and activities throughout the year; works to include: the installation of a new surface water drainage scheme, removal of existing trees and replacement tree planting and soft landscaping; installation of new lighting columns, wayfinding signage and street furniture; creation of new sloped access to the Town Hall entrances; highways and servicing access works, and associated works.
This proposal is one of two related applications that have been submitted in relation to the public realm and the Town Hall.
The Planning Officer drew the Committee’s attention to the late representation that had been submitted which provided further observations and modifications to conditions. Concern had been expressed by the Disabled Peoples Access Group and residents regarding the lack of consultation and engagement with scheme and sought reconsideration of some parts of the application. It was reported that the Design Team will continue to engage with stakeholder panels as the scheme progresses.
No objectors were in attendance.
The applicant’s representative addressed the Committee on the application.
The Chair invited Committee members to ask questions and comment on the application.
A member commended the use of age friendly public benches in the public realm area of Albert Square and the siting of female statue/monument. Reference was made to the drainage arrangements and if these would help sustain the green areas proposed. Also, would safety barriers be included in the design.
The Planning Officer stated that there were no proposals to site any statues in Albert Square but the comments made would be passed to the Design Team. The drainage system had been designed to help to sustain the green area and the provide safety features to prevent access by vehicles. Conditions for this have been included in the application.
A member referred to the sustainability of business resulting from the application, arrangements for the proposed road closure, safety of pedestrians, emergency access and relocation of the taxi rank in Albert Square to Central Street and Clarence Street.
The Committee was informed that there would be a road closure process involving a separate consultation process involved. The safety of pedestrians in Albert Square has been considered involving lighting and CCTV and it will secure accreditation through Secure by Design. The relocation of the taxi rank will be for a twelve-month interim period and will then be considered as part of the review of taxi ranks in the City Centre. This will be considered by the Licensing Committee. A member requested that a condition be added to require arrangements to be made for a visit for members of the Planning and Highways Committee to Albert Square to allow members to visualise the proposals either through viewing the areas concerned or through drawings or digital images and for the Director of Planning to be delegated authority, in consultation with the Chair, to record any concerns raised and to report concerns to ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for the erection of a six to nine storey residential building (Use Class C3) comprising eighty dwellings including nine townhouses and seventy-one apartments with resident’s lounge, refuse, plant, new substation, cycle storage, an internal landscaped courtyard and improvements to the adjacent footways on Marshall Street, Chadderton Street, Addington Street and Cross Keys Street and other associated works following removal of existing car park. The application was considered by the Planning and Highways Committee on 19 December 2020. The Committee was minded to refuse the application and requested officers bring back a report which addressed concerns relating to the affordable housing contribution. The application proposed a commuted sum of £220,000 towards offsite affordable housing. The detailed viability report submitted with the application was independently tested on behalf of the City Council in order to ensure that it was robust and in line with current market conditions.
The planning officer did not add anything further to the report submitted.
Councillor Wheeler addressed the committee in his capacity as ward Councillor (Piccadilly) and stated that since the last meeting there had been no contact made with any ward councillors impacted by the proposal to discuss their concerns on the scheme. The Committee was requested to defer consideration until contact with ward councillors had taken place.
The applicant’s representative addressed the Committee on the application.
The Committee approve the application, subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report submitted. |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for the renewal of previous planning permission 110616/FO/2015/N2 for the continuance of stock car racing for a maximum of eleven meetings per season between 1 March to 31 December (annually) for a temporary period of 4 years.
The Committee had previously approved application 62940/FU/NORTH2/01 in March 2002 for a temporary two-year period for Five Formula one and seven Regular stock car meetings to operate for two seasons subject to a number of conditions. In February 2004 a further temporary approval was granted by committee for the variation of conditions 1 and 3 of permission 062940/FU/NORTH2/01 to allow 8 stock car meetings per year including 4 Formula One events up to 31 October 2007. In February 2008, a temporary approval was granted by committee for the continuance of stock car racing for a maximum of eight meetings per season during a period from 1 March to 30 November for a temporary period of 4 years (ref: 085126/FO/2007/N2). Planning permission 097958/FO/2011/N1 related to the continuance of stock car racing for a maximum of eleven meetings per season during a period from 1 March to 31 December for a temporary period of 4 years; this application was given a temporary planning permission which expired on 1 March 2016. A further application for the renewal of previous planning permission 097958/FO/2011/N2 for the continuance of stock car racing for a maximum of eleven meetings per season between 1 March to 31 December (annually) for a temporary period of 4 years (ref:110616/FO/2015/N2) was approved on 4 February 2016 for 4 years and will expire on 4 February 2020.
The Committee on 19 December 2019 was minded to approve residential development on this site, subject to a legal agreement for affordable housing (ref: 122160/FO/2018). The Planning Officer reported a correction in Condition 4 that changed the closing time from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and changed the date for the May Bank Holiday from Monday 4 May 2020 to Friday 8 May 2020.
The Committee approve the application, subject to the conditions as corrected (Condition 4, below) and reasons set out in the report and the Late Representations submitted. (Condition 4- closing time change 7.30pm to 9.30pm and change the date of the May Bank Holiday from Monday 4 May 2020 to Friday 8 May 2020.)[SH1] [AW2] [AW3]
The report the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on 10 October 2020 and to recommend the confirmation of the Tree Preservation Order.
To instruct the City Solicitor to confirm the Tree Preservation Order at Churchgate, Ford Lane, Manchester M22 4NQ, under Section 199 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, and that the Order should cover the trees as plotted on the plan attached to the report submitted. |