Agenda and minutes
Planning and Highways Committee - Thursday, 20th October, 2022 2.00 pm
Venue: Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions
Contact: Ian Hinton-Smith
No. | Item |
Supplementary Information on Applications Being Considered PDF 86 KB The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licencing is enclosed. Minutes: A copy of the late representations received had been circulated in advance of the meeting regarding applications 130387/FO/2021 and 133576/FO/2022.
To receive and note the late representations. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2022. Minutes: |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that described that the application related to a former brickworks site that has been vacant for many years. Due to past use, there was a legacy of contamination across the site which has been challenging in terms of bringing forward its redevelopment.
In 2021, the current applicant was able to demonstrate how the site could be remediated and a strategy was subsequently approved following a robust assessment of how this would be delivered.
The application now under consideration was for development following the implementation of the strategy. It would create 716 homes, with 378 (134 apartments and 244 houses) in a first phase together with a community building, a community and pocket parks. 338 dwellings would follow in a second phase, which also included the provision of a secondary school. Parking, public realm and landscaping would be provided throughout. The Committee held a site visit prior to the meeting to see the proposed access points to the site.
The applicant’s agent addressed the Committee and referred to amendments to the application resulting from the comments raised at the previous meeting. The amendments related to the access to the site from Hallam Road. All vehicular access to the site has been removed from Hallam Road. A dedicated drop off/pick point will be introduced. The proposed pedestrian/cycle route is integral to the masterplan for the proposal site and provides sustainable access for school pupils from the canal tow path and the district centre. The applicant accepts the additional conditions proposed. The development will provide 716 much needed homes to the area, as well as a secondary school and associated playing fields, that will be available for the community to use and green space. The proposal will provide significant invest to the area and provide employment and training opportunities for local people.
Councillor Flanagan addressed the Committee as a ward councillor before leaving the meeting. The Committee was thanked for attending the site visit and receiving photographs from Councillor Grimshaw and were reminded of the objection made. The proposed site included an area of contaminated ground and the proposal to develop the area for new housing and a new high school is welcomed. The objection from the ward councillors relates to an agreement with the developer that Hallam Road would not be opened to pedestrian and vehicular access. The ward councillors have stated that they have seen a plan since speaking to the developer, that will open another entrance to the proposed school which would increase traffic usage. The plan is not included in the application being considered and includes a pedestrian and cycle route. The Committee visited the proposed site and noted the entrance to the nursery school at Briscoe Lane PS is on Hallam Road. Hallam Road is a narrow and congested road. A new crossing was installed to improve safety for accessing the school, however, the proposal will reduce safety for nursery children and parents. The ... view the full minutes text for item 57. |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing for a part 7 part 11 storey purpose built student accommodation (PBSA) building providing 197 bed spaces. The Committee was ‘minded to refuse’ a proposal for a part 9 part 13 storey (PBSA) building providing 261 bed spaces on 31 May 2022 as the scale was over dominant and the lack of parking in close proximity to the entrance for those with disabilities.
There were 72 objections to the original submission from neighbours, an objection from ‘Block the Block’, Aquarius Tenants and Residents Association, Hulme Community Forum, On Top of the World Hulme, Hopton Hopefuls, a letter from 2 employees of Manchester University, the GP practice on Booth Street West, the Guinness Partnership and One Manchester and 3 representations from members of the public supporting the proposal. Councillors Annette Wright and Lucy Powell MP objected to the scheme considered in May. There were 25 objections from neighbours and an objection from ‘Block the Block’ to the revised proposal.
Councillors Wright and Igbon objected for the reasons the Committee were Minded to Refuse the earlier application and a resident objected on the grounds of overdevelopment, the council should plan for local people in Hulme and the site should accommodate 3 or 4 storey extra care homes. The council should utilise its CPO powers.
The application had been amended to reduce the height to that agreed on appeal. Ten parking spaces, were proposed for disabled people in close proximity to the site. As such a refusal could not be substantiated.
Sally Casey (Chair - Aquarius Tenants and Residents Association) addressed the Committee to object to the application. The issue of the growing number of students attending the Universities and the problems, in finding accommodation is not the fault of the people of Hulme and student accommodation should be better balanced across Manchester rather than being concentrated in Hulme and Moss Side. Hulme has already accommodated the new university developments, and this could not continue. The amended application is inappropriate, is over development and is bigger than the residential blocks adjacent to it. The proposal would have a negative impact on the community, particularly young people. The limited size of the rooms in the building may have a negative impact on students. The Committee was requested to refuse the application.
The applicant’s agent explained how the application has been amended to address the points raised by Committee, including a reduction in the height by three storeys, ie 20% to that similar to a scheme agreed on appeal in 2008. The number of bedrooms had reduced from 261 to 197. Ten on street parking spaces will be converted to spaces for disabled people. Students need a safe and secure, centrally located home and a place to study and Hulme is close to places of study. Purpose built student stock is one of the Council’s only tools in managing the increase in the use of properties in residential areas. There is ... view the full minutes text for item 58. |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that described planning permission was granted in March 2021 for extensions to an existing single storey community centre building located within Manley Park, this followed a previous approval in 2020 for extensions to the existing play centre. The extensions approved were to provide indoor covered activity spaces at the Community Centre to the north and south of the existing building. The approved extension to the south was to form a 9.2-metre-high activity hall, whilst the extension to the north was of a lower height (approximately 5 metres in height). Works have commenced on site to deliver these approved extensions.
The current proposals sought to provide a further enlargement to the rear of the existing building, a new front entrance, together with roof amendments to provide a more unifying design across the proposed development. The revised proposals indicate an increase in height of the activity hall to 9.3 metres.
110 addresses were notified of the proposals, 4 responses were received, 3 raising concerns with the proposals and particularly implications in terms of pedestrian and highway safety in the vicinity of the park.
Whilst a majority of the proposed works have previously been considered acceptable consideration of the additional extensions and amendments to the existing building is required in particular implications in terms of impacts on the visual amenity and character of the area together with consideration on residential amenity.
The matters raised above are set out and considered in full within the main body of this report. As the applicant is identified as an elected ward Councillor and objections have been received this application is being reported to Committee.
Councillor Flanagan moved the Officer’s recommendation of Approve for the application.
Councillor Lyons seconded the proposal.
The Committee resolved to Approve the application for the reasons stated and subject to the conditions set out in the report submitted.
(Councillor Dar declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application and left the meeting room, taking no part in the consideration and decision making.) |
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that described the application proposals related to the retention of a temporary 50 seater stand for supporters at West Didsbury And Chorlton Football Club. The stand was originally approved for a temporary 3 ½ year period in 2013 by the Council’s Planning Committee with a subsequent further temporary consent granted in 2016 which expired in April 2020. The football club submitted a further extension of time application in July 2019 with a new location of the stand, this application was not determined, with the applicant withdrawing it from consideration earlier this year after the submission of the current application.
The stand was required to enable the football club to meet the standards set out by the Football Association, the temporary stand was intended to be replaced by a more permanent structure and this is still the intention of the football club when funding and the requisite permissions are in place. In the intervening period the football club still require the temporary stand and have submitted a further application for its retention at the site.
As part of the notification of this application 68 addresses were written to and site notices were posted and advertisement placed in the Manchester Evening News given the sites location within the Chorltonville Conservation Area. 18 responses were received, 17 of these set out objections to the proposals including, amongst other matters; impacts of noise from supporters; a further temporary permission would be contrary to planning legislation; parking issues associated with the football club on residential streets; and, residents are not being listened to and the football club continues to expand.
The Applicant’s agent addressed the Committee and referred to key points in particular to objections received regarding the temporary stand. It was reported that the previous applications could not be taken forward for the replacement with a permanent structure due to the availability of funding raising to carry out the work this was made more difficult as a result of the covid pandemic. The temporary stand will enable the club to continue to fulfil the seating arrangements in accordance with the FA standards. The additional five year period will allow the club time to work towards achieving the funding required to cover the costs of a permanent structure. There will be no impact on the green belt and the club works hard to be a good neighbour to the community.
The planning officers advised the Committee that there are a set of circumstances that would warrant an additional temporary period being granted.
Councillor Flanagan noted the objections raised and that the application did not seek to increase what is already in place and moved the Officer’s recommendation of Approve for the temporary approval for a temporary 50 seater stand expiring 20th October 2027.
Councillor Leech seconded the proposal and asked officer if any solution had been found to address the issue of banging on the side of the stand.
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that described the applicant was proposing to erect 20 no. two storey residential dwellings on the site of the now vacant oakwood Resource Centre. The proposed accommodation would be affordable, split equally between shared ownership and social rent. Correspondence has been received from eleven local residents, as well as the adjoining children’s nursery. The main concerns raised include impact on residential amenity, pedestrian/highway safety, existing ecology and insufficient parking.
The planning officer advised the Committee of an additional recommendation would be included, in the event that the Committee approved the application, regarding secure cycle parking proposed for each plot. The condition would ensure that this is provided and retained for the future.
The applicant addressed the Committee on the application.
Councillor Andrews moved the Officer’s recommendation of Approve for the application with the inclusion of the additional condition.
Councillor Leech seconded the proposal.
The Committee resolved to Approve the application, with the additional condition concerning secure cycle parking, for the reasons stated and subject to the conditions set out in the report submitted. |