Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Executive - Wednesday, 22nd March, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions

Contact: Michael Williamson 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 305 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2023.




The Executive approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting on 15 February 2023.


Our Manchester Progress Update pdf icon PDF 118 KB

The report of the Chief Executive is enclosed.


The Executive considered a report of the Chief Executive which provided an update on key areas of progress against the Our Manchester Strategy – Forward to 2025 which reset Manchester’s priorities for the next five years to ensure the Council could still achieve the city’s ambition set out in the Our Manchester Strategy 2016 – 2025.


The Leader reported that within the last week, Greater Manchester had formalised the latest devolution deal through the GM Combined Authority Trailblazer deeper devolution deal.  A further update on this would come to Executive in the new Municipal Year.


The Deputy Leader (Statutory) reported on Cultural Partnership Grants, with the Council having awarded almost £1 million of grants over the next three years to 12 key arts organisations delivering a wide range of cultural activities and opportunities for residents and wider audiences.  The funding, which would run from April 2023 to March 2026, would help make Manchester a thriving and liveable city with inclusive and accessible cultural and creative experiences.


The Executive Member for Vibrant Neighbourhoods reported on the launch of the Great British Spring Clean which was launched at Stanley Grove Primary School, Longsight, on Friday 17 March.  The campaign, which would run until 2 April 2023, called on schools, residents, volunteers and businesses to pitch in to help clean up litter and keep Manchester clean and green.


The Executive Member for Early Years, Children and Young People reported on Manchester’s annual Youth Buzz awards, which recognised the remarkable achievements of young people making a difference in their communities.  This year saw a record 160 nominations submitted across 12 different categories and for the first time the judging panel was made up entirely of young people, all members of the city’s Youth Council.


The Executive Member for Environment and Transport reported that funding had been secured for much-needed improvements along the Manchester Cycleway with more than £300,000 having been secured from the Government’s Safer Street Fund to make a range of improvements.  The first stage of work, site clearance and landscaping on the Yellow Brick Road, began last month.  Designs for wider improvements were being finalised and would be implemented in late spring/early summer this year.


The Deputy Executive Member for Skills, Employment and Leisure reported that Gorton Library had become the latest in the city to benefit from the Council’s Open Plus scheme.  Its opening hours had been extended to members the Open Plus programme, which allowed library users to access the library and its facilities outside normal staffed hours.  Users of the library, could         upgrade their library cards for free to become Open Plus members.  The Library was now accessible to Open Plus members during the extended opening hours of Monday 8am - 10am and 5pm - 8pm, Tuesday 8am - 1pm, Wednesday 8am - 8pm, Thursday 8am - 10am, Friday 8am - 1pm and Saturday 9am - 10am.


The Executive Member for Housing and Development reported on Ancoats Green advising that a planning application for new public realm had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.


Capital Programme Update pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer attached

Additional documents:


The Executive considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer, which informed Members of requests to increase the capital programme, sought approval for those schemes that could be approved under authority delegated to the Executive.


The proposals which required Council approval were those which were funded by the use of reserves above a cumulative total of £10 million, where the use of borrowing was required or a virement exceeded £1m. These included the following proposed changes:-


·                ICT – End User Experience Additional Funding. . A capital budget increase of £0.326m was requested, funded by £0.185m Borrowing and £0.141m virement from ICT Investment Plan to cover the increased demand for in areas such as front of house and business support teams where it was not appropriate to share a laptop


The proposals which only required Executive approval were those which were funded by the use of external resources, use of capital receipts, use of reserves below £10.0m, where the proposal could be funded from existing revenue budgets or where the use of borrowing on a spend to save basis is required.  The following proposals required Executive approval for changes to the City Council’s capital programme:- 


·                Children’s Services – Schools Maintenance 2023/24.  A capital budget increase of £2.323m in 2023/24 was requested, funded by Government Grantto address condition needs identified in the Council’s estate of maintained schools which included community, voluntary controlled and foundation schools.


·                Public Sector Housing – Homes as Energy Systems.  A capital budget increase of £1.102m in 2023/24 was requested, funded by Government Grantto install low carbon measures such as Solar PV panels,battery capacity and air source heat pumps in over 700 homes in total across Greater Manchester.


·                Highways Services – Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood.  A capital budget virement of £0.530m was requested, funded by Borrowing to extend the provision of  a range of safety features such as signalised crossing, zebra crossings, traffic calming and improvements to street lighting to encourage walking and cycling to areas of Burnage as well as Levenshulme.


·                ICT – Housing Case Management System Feasibility.  A capital budget decrease of £0.119m was requested and approval of a corresponding transfer of £0.119m to the revenue budget, to allow the feasibility study to take place, funded by Capital Fund.


·                ICT – Market Feasibility.  A capital budget decrease of £0.077m was requested and approval of a corresponding transfer of £0.077m to the revenue budget, funded by Capital Fund, to rationalise other Markets systems into one enterprise class solution.


·                Public Sector Housing – Social Housing Decarbonisation.  A capital budget increase of £7.539m in 2023/24 and £5.026m in 2024/25 was requested, funded by £11.206m Social Housing Decarbonisation Grant and £0.963m RCCO from HRA revenue resources, to deliver a programme of decarbonisation works to Manchester’s council housing.


The report highlighted that there had been increases to the programme totalling £1.359m as a result of delegated approvals since the previous report to the Executive on 18 January 2023.


Approval had also been given for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Health and Social Care Better Care Fund Section 75 agreements for 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer and City Solicitor attached


The Executive considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer and City Solicitor that set out the proposed extension of the current Section 75 Partnership Agreement (S75 Agreement) between Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board (GM ICB) and Manchester City Council on the Better Care Fund and the Improved Better Care Fund.


The proposal was to extend the current S75 Agreement to the 31 March 2024, whilst acknowledging that there may be a requirement to update the document once the final Better Care Funding guidance for 2023/24 was published




Executive approved:


(1)          The extension of the S75 on the Better Care Fund and the Improved Better Care Fund.

(2)          Provide delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer and City Solicitor, in consultation with Executive Member, to finalise any amendments that need to be made to the document.


Former Central Retail Park Strategic Regeneration Framework Update pdf icon PDF 160 KB

The report of the Strategic Director – Growth and Development is enclosed.


The Executive considered a report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development), that informed on the outcome of a public consultation exercise with local residents, businesses and stakeholders, on the draft Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) for the former Central Retail Park and seeks the Executive’s approval of the Framework.


The consultation on the Former Central Retail Park took place over 6 weeks from Wednesday 4 January to Tuesday 14 February 2023.  A total of 574 responses were received.  The report summarised these responses.


The Leader advised that revised draft SRF captured the ambition set out in the vision for the site and would create a high-quality, sustainable office district with an attractive public realm at its centre.  It would also deliver significant socio-economic benefit to the city and the local community.  The public realm would provide an appealing green space and recreational facility for local residents, the new office employees, and visitors, and enhance connections to other green spaces, the local neighbourhoods, city centre, and transport networks.  The proposals also provided an opportunity to deliver in excess of 8,000 high quality jobs, along with apprenticeships and other training opportunities


The Strategic Director (Growth and Development) advised that it was also proposed that the draft SRF would be updated to better show linkages to existing and planned cycle routes in the area


Councillor Johnson welcomed the response rate to the consultation and sought clarification on how many of these responses related to green spaces/public realm as part of the proposals being put forward.  The Strategic Director (Growth and Development) provided assurance that this was a key area picked up as part of the consultation responses.




The Executive:


(1)      Noted the outcome of the public consultation on the draft Strategic Regeneration Framework for the former Central Retail Park.


(2)      Agreed the proposal to amend the Strategic Regeneration Framework for the former Central Retail Park to include an updated plan illustrating the connections to wider cycle routes.


(3)      Approved the Strategic Regeneration Framework for the former Central Retail Park and requested that the Planning and Highways Committee take the framework into account as a material consideration when considering planning applications for the site.


Manchester Science Park (MSP) Strategic Regeneration Framework Addendum pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached


The Executive considered a report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development), that informed Member of the outcome of a public consultation exercise with local residents, businesses and stakeholders, the draft addendum to the Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) for Manchester Science Park (MSP), and the updating of development principles across the SRF to reflect the Council’s target to be net zero carbon by 2038.


The consultation on the addendum ran for 6 weeks from 4 January 2023 until 15 February 2023.  The consultation received three responses which was acknowledged as being low.  The Strategic Director (Growth and Development) provided assurance that invitations to respond were sent to approximately 1000 addresses and that efforts were made to encourage further responses. Details of the responses were detailed in the report.


The Leader explained that the addendum responded to the opportunity that had arisen for a proposed relocation of an internationally significant health research resource to MSP, supporting economic growth through the creation of 550 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs during the construction phase, and 730 FTE in operation, as well as a further 1,400 FTE jobs in the wider economy, increasing training and employment opportunities for local residents.  Securing investment at MSP would also strengthen Manchester’s Research and Development capabilities and world leading reputation for life science and health innovation.


If approved, the draft MSP SRF Addendum wouldl not form part of the Council’s Development Plan but would be a material consideration for the Council as a Local Planning Authority when determining any applications within the MSP SRF area.




The Executive:


(1)      Note the outcome of the public consultation on the draft addendum and updating of development principles for the Manchester Science Park SRF.


(2)      Approve the addendum and updating of development principles for Manchester Science Park SRF and request that the Planning and Highways Committee take the framework into account as a material consideration when considering planning applications for the site.


Regeneration of Collyhurst - Update pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached

Additional documents:


The Executive considered the report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) regarding the regeneration of the Collyhurst estate that had been a long-standing objective of the Council, which was now being taken forward as part of the wider Victoria North initiative and was being driven through a Joint Venture (JV) partnership between the Council and Far East Consortium (FEC).


The Executive Member for Housing and Development advised that the report reaffirmed the commitment of the Council and its JV partner to working with local tenants and residents, local elected members and other stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of this objective.  The report also provided an update on the delivery of the Collyhurst Phase 1 scheme, which was now under contract and involved the construction of 274 new homes, including 130 new Council homes, together with the first phase of a new Community Park and new retail facilities.


The report also set out proposals to develop a wider Master/Delivery Plan for Collyhurst Village and South Collyhurst, which would be used to guide and co-ordinate future phases of regeneration activity. A key element of developing the Plan would be consultation with the existing community which would commence in May 2023. The report also noted that the identification and appointment of an Affordable Housing Partner would be required in order to ensure the delivery of affordable housing


Councillor Karney addressed the meeting as a local ward councillor, welcoming the proposals for new homes in Collyhurst and associated  timelines.  He also sought clarification on proposals for Eastford Square, which was currently a derelict block of maisonettes and shops.  The Executive Member for Housing and Development advised that hoardings would be being erected with a planned demolition of the maisonettes.




The Executive:


(1)      Considered and commented on the information as set out in the report submitted, particularly in relation to the intention to commence community focussed engagement in May 2023 to facilitate the development of a clear Delivery and Phasing Strategy for the further regeneration of the Collyhurst Village and South Collyhurst Neighbourhoods.


(2)      Noted the requirement to identify an Affordable Housing Delivery Partner to assist the City Council and FEC in the future delivery of affordable housing in these neighbourhoods and the work that is underway to develop an appropriate procurement process that will be undertaken to appoint such a partner.


Refresh of the Community Asset Transfer Policy pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer attached

Additional documents:


The Executive considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer, that provided an update on the Voluntary and Community Sector Property Policy.


The Deputy Leader (Statutory) advised that the previous revision to the policy was adopted in December 2013.  Officers had reviewed the existing documented policy, and current practice for Community Asset Transfers.  This had included engaging with Council teams and services who had close working relationships with the VCS, and close involvement with community assets.  The report summarised the feedback that had been received


It was explained that a revised Community Asset Transfer Policy and Process had been developed in response to the feedback, specifically to be more clear and open about policy and process; be more proactive by developing and advertising opportunities; follow an open process as standard, with any opportunities advertised widely; fit with the Councils approach to Strategic Asset Management; be quicker and address issues with the current policy about leases length, terms and funding.


By adopting a more detailed policy and process, this would support a clearer understanding of the approach to Community Asset Transfers across all stakeholders and would support more regular reviews of the approach to ensure it aligned with the Council’s approach to place-based working. 


The report had been considered by the Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee who had endorsed the recommendations.


Councillor Johnson sought clarification on how VCS organisations received relevant funding for the retrofitting of buildings to be made carbon neutral.  The Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer explained that as part of the process of any CAT, there would be a robust assessment of the business case and financial position of the community group.  There would also be a very clear split in the lease arrangement between the tenant and the landlord that would define were responsibility for any work sat.




The Executive agree to adopt the revised Community Asset Transfer Policy contained at Appendix 3 of the report submitted.


Designation of Broadhurst Clough as a Local Nature Reserve pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached

Additional documents:


The Executive considered the report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) that sought approval to declare one site in Manchester, Broadhurst Clough, as a Local Nature Reserve.


The Executive Member for Environment and Transport reported that the Council’s new Biodiversity Strategy had, amongst others an objective to protect and recover biodiversity. One of the key ways to achieve this objective was to increase the number of Local Nature Reserves in Manchester.  There were currently nine Local Nature Reserves in Manchester all of which had benefitted from the designation through increased public usage by local and regional visitors.


The designation of LNR status for Broadhurst Clough would help to establish the long-term maintenance and raise the profile of the site. The designation would also offer opportunities for funding as it reinforced Manchester’s commitment to nature conservation and recreation. The location of the proposed LNR within the Irk Valley meant that the designation also supported the ambition set out across a range of objectives in the City’s Our River Our City Strategy, providing increased opportunity for increased practical action, community engagement and awareness raising,  providing increased opportunity for increased practical action, community engagement and awareness raising. Natural England had confirmed their informal support for the declaration of LNR status for the site.




The Executive:


(1)      Approved the proposed declaration of the area shown outlined on the “Location map of Broadhurst Clough” as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report submitted, as the Broadhurst Clough Local Nature Reserve.


(2)      Requests officers to consult formally with Natural England on the proposed declaration of the Broadhurst Clough Local Nature Reserve.


(3)      Authorise the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing to instruct the City Solicitor (subject to the outcome of the formal consultation with Natural England) to prepare the formal declaration document as necessary.


Disposal of Oakwood Community Resource Centre, Northenden, Manchester (Part A) pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached

Additional documents:


The Executive considered the report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) that sought approval to dispose of Oakwood Community Resource Centre to Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG), to facilitate the delivery of an affordable tenure residential development.


The Executive Member for Housing and Development advise that the Council would provide a development lease before transferring the freehold to WCHG at practical completion.  The development would comprise of a new residential scheme of 20 houses.  The tenure would be split, with 10 units available for social rent and 10 units to be shared ownership. The scheme would be sustainable in design, employing low carbon technologies including air source heat pumps, whilst being off-gas entirely.


It was note that the agreed disposal price was considered to be less than the best consideration that could reasonably be obtained on the basis of an unrestricted disposal in the open market.




The Executive:-


(1)      Approve the basis of the land transaction as set out in Section 3 of the report submitted, at less than best consideration, in accordance with the commercial terms set out in Part B element of the report (minute number Exe/23/42 below).


(2)      Agree to delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Growth and Development to complete the finalisation of terms of the transaction, as set out in the report submitted.


(3)      Agree to delegate authority to the City Solicitor to enter into and complete all documents and agreements necessary to give effect to the recommendations.


Disposal of land and buildings at Vaughan St, Manchester (Space Studios) (Part A) pdf icon PDF 118 KB

The report of the Deputy City Treasurer is enclosed.

Additional documents:


Having declared an interest in Minute Number Exe/23/40, as a Council appointed member of Manchester Creative Digital Assets (MCDA), Councillor Craig left the meeting and took no part in consideration of the following item.


Councillor Rahman chaired the meeting from this point for the remaining items of business.


The Executive considered the report of the Deputy City Treasurer that sought agreement to the 250 year leasehold disposal of Space Studios Manchester, in order to facilitate further investment, secure its expansion and long term future as a TV and Film Studio facility in an increasingly competitive market.


Whilst Space Studios is a significant contributor to the local and regional economy, the operation and development of studio assets that were subject to shorter-term licences, high turnover of production clientele, fluctuating levels of occupancy with potential voids, have a far higher risk profile relative to other more established property use classes.  Previous phases of Space Studios had been developed with a mix of grant funding and Council borrowing, with a focus on the social and economic impact over significant returns.  As the studios had become more established, there was now a clear opportunity for the Council to step back from its enabling role and attract significant private sector investment into the operation of the existing facility and the delivery of Phase 3, without the need for the Council to carry forward the development, operational and financial risk whilst the city continued to benefit from the significant positive economic returns.


The Part B report (Minute number Exe/23/43 below) provided more details on the bidding and selection process of the preferred bidder, including the overall commercial offer and any commercially sensitive financial implications.




The Executive:-


(1)      Note the report in relation to the changing trends in the Studio sector and the implications for continued ownership by the Council of Space Studios.


(2)      Approve the disposal of Space Studios in order to facilitate further investment, secure its expansion and long-term future as a TV and Film Studio on the basis set out in the report submitted.


(3)      Approve the selection of the Preferred Bidder, as outlined in the body of the report and the Part B report submitted.


(4)      Approve the grant of a 250-year lease of the land and buildings edged red in the plan at Appendix 1 to the report on the main terms and conditions to the Preferred Bidder outlined in the report and the Part B report.


(5)      Approve the grant of an Agreement for Lease and Lease of the Phase 4 land, edged blue at Appendix 1 of the report submitted, to the Preferred Bidder subject to relocation of the existing tenant and vacant possession


(6)      Delegate authority to the Deputy City Treasurer and Director of Development, in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Resources to negotiate and finalise the details and terms of the disposals together with the property and commercial arrangements with the Preferred Bidder.


(7)      Authorise the City Solicitor to enter and complete  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.


Exclusion of the Public

The officers consider that the following item or items contains exempt information as provided for in the Local Government Access to Information Act and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. The Executive is recommended to agree the necessary resolutions excluding the public from the meeting during consideration of these items. At the time this agenda is published no representations have been made that this part of the meeting should be open to the public.




The Executive agrees to exclude the public during consideration of the following item which involved consideration of exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons and public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information


Disposal of Oakwood Community Resource Centre, Northenden, Manchester (Part B)

Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached


Consideration was given to the report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) that outlined the financial implications of a report of the same title contained in Part A (Minute number Exe/23/42).




The Executive:-


(1)      Approve the basis of the land transaction as set out in Section 2 of the report submitted at less than best consideration.


(2)      Authorise the Strategic Director (Growth and Development), to finalise the detailed terms of the transaction as set out in principle in this report.


(3)      Authorise the City Solicitor to enter into and complete all documents and agreements necessary to give effect to the recommendations.


Disposal of land and buildings at Vaughan St, Manchester (Space Studios) (Part B)

The report of the Deputy City Treasurer is enclosed.


Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy City Treasurer that provided detail on the bidding process and selection process of the preferred bidder, including the overall commercial offer for the 250-year leasehold disposal of Space Studios Manchester and should be read in conjunction with the Part A report (Minute number Exe/23/43 above).




The Executive:-


(1)      Approve the selection of the Preferred Bidder as outlined in the report.


(2)      Approve the grant of a 250-year lease of the land and buildings edged red in the plan at Appendix 1 to the report on the main terms and conditions to the Preferred Bidder as outlined in the report.


(3)      Approve the grant of an Agreement for Lease and Lease of the Phase 4 land, edged blue at Appendix 1, to the Preferred Bidder subject to relocation of the existing tenant and vacant possession.


(4)      Delegate authority to the Deputy City Treasurer and Director of Development, in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Resources to negotiate and finalise the details and terms of the disposals together with the property and commercial arrangements with the Preferred Bidder.


(5)      Authorise the City Solicitor to enter and complete all documents or agreements necessary to give effect to the recommendations in the report submitted.


(6)      Agree a one-year budget increase of £180k to offset the temporary deficit from the remaining assets, funded from the capital receipt via Capital Fund.