Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

Personnel Committee - Wednesday, 16th October, 2024 2.15 pm

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions

Contact: Donna Barnes 


No. Item


Urgent Business

To consider any items which the Chair has agreed to have submitted as urgent.




The Committee agree to take the following item as urgent business listed as agenda item 6 on the published revised agenda:-


·            Appointment for post of Chief Executive


Minutes pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2024




The Committee approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2024


Approval of Exit Costs pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Director of Development and Director of Human Resources, Organisational Development and Transformation attached


The Committee considered a report of the Director of HROD and Transformation and the Director of Development, which outlined the business case for approval of redundancy and associated early release pension costs for a recently transferred in Divisional Director role from Jacobs Property Management.


In 2008 the Council took the decision to outsource its property management and valuation services to Jacobs UK.  In 2024 staff resourcing the contract were insourced to the Council, some with significant variations to their original employment terms.


The role of Divisional Director was covered by TUPE regulations despite not having an operational role within the Council.  Upon transfer, the Council offered an existing post, (Head of Investment Estate), which had been turned down.  The Divisional Director managed a contract that no longer exists and as such there was no requirement for the Council to retain this post, making it redundant. 


As the Council had no equivalent role, it had  consulted with the individual that there was an economic, organisation or technical (ETO) reason to commence dismissal proceedings on the ground of redundancy.


The calculated redundancy costs would be £18,968.  Contractual notice pay of 3 months would be £20,708.  The pension capital costs to Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) would also be £107,291. The City Treasurer had approved covering these costs from the existing Pension Strain budget and had confirmed that this would not affect the General Fund or Investment Estate revenue.  Assuming management efficiencies and +1.5% net rental income growth, all redundancy costs would be recouped within 12 months, resulting in operational savings from 2025-26.




The Committee recommend that Council approve redundancy costs of £18,968, contractual notice pay of £20,708 and pension capital costs to the Greater Manchester Pension Fund of £107,291 associated with the release.



Appointment for post of Chief Executive pdf icon PDF 81 KB

This item was not included in the Agenda as originally published and is subject to the Chair allowing it to be considered as urgent business


Report of the Director of HROD and Transformation and the City Solicitor attached

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report of the Director of HROD and Transformation and the City Solicitor, which set out the recruitment process that had been undertaken for the appointment of the Council’s permanent Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and made recommendations to the Committee and Full Council in respect of the appointment of a Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service.


On the announcement of the resignation of Joanne Roney in June 2024, Personnel Committee established a Sub-Committee to agree the approach to the recruitment and selection of a candidate for recommendation to the Council for appointment as the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service of the City Council.  At its meeting on 14 June 2024, Personnel Committee agreed to establish a Sub Committee to act as an appointment panel for the purposes of recruiting and appointing a Chief Executive.


The Director of HROD and Transformation advise that on 14 October 2024 the Personnel Sub Committee had met and interviewed the shortlisted candidates for the role and had unanimously recommended that, subject to consultation with the Executive in accordance with Annex 1 of the Officer Employment Procedure Rules and the acceptance of a conditional offer of employment, Full Council should approve the appointment of Tom Stannard, current Chief Executive of Salford City Council, as Chief Executive and designate him as Head of Paid Service for Manchester City Council.


In his current role, Tom had overseen achievements including the top-performing children’s services department in the North West, the establishment of the council-owned social housing company Derive and lead major programmes of growth and regeneration across the city of Salford. He had more than 27 years of experience in local government including senior posts in Oldham, Wakefield, Blackburn with Darwen and London boroughs.  In addition he was nationally recognised as a specialist in local government, public service reform and delivering inclusive growth and currently held the lead CEO brief for Greater Manchester in the economy, business and international portfolio.




The Committee:-


(1)      Note and endorse the recommendation of the Personnel Sub Committee that Full Council approve the appointment of Tom Stannard as Chief Executive of Manchester City Council at a salary of £220,982 p.a. (pay award pending).


(2)      Note and endorse the recommendation of the Personnel Sub Committee that Full Council designate Tom Stannard as Head of Paid Service of Manchester City Council under Section 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.


(3)      Note that Tom Stannard’s proposed start date will be confirmed at the meeting of Full Council and will inform Full Council’s decision as to when any appointment as Chief Executive and designation as Head of Paid Service will come into effect.


(4)      Note that, subject to any formal appointment requirements relating to the following roles, the Chief Executive is also the Electoral Registration Officer and the Returning Officer for the district of Manchester and is Place Based lead for Manchester in respect of the Integrated Care arrangements with the NHS.