Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Health Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 21st June, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions

Contact: Lee Walker 


No. Item


Urgent Business - The Recent Heatwave

To consider any items which the Chair has agreed to have submitted as urgent.


The Chair introduced the item of urgent business by inviting the Director of Public Health to update the Members on the local health system response to the recent heatwave.


The Director of Public Health informed the Committee that a new Heat-Health Alerts (HHAs) system had been introduced by UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Met Office.


On the 7 June, the UK Health Security Agency and the Met Office had issued the first heat-health alert of the year, noting that as of Tuesday 13 June, the HHAs issued by UKHSA had been extended until 9am, Monday 19 June. All regions of England had been placed under a yellow alert for this period.


He advised that a yellow alert meant that any impacts included the increased use of health care services by vulnerable populations and an increase in risk to health for individuals over the age of 65 or those with pre-existing health conditions, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. There was also the potential for indoor environments, including health and care settings, to become very warm.


Information and relevant updates on Heat-Health Alerts can be viewed on the following website:


The Director of Public Health advised that all front-line services could register to receive these alerts, adding that an audit of all Manchester GP practices who had registered would be undertaken. He advised that timely information and advice would be shared locally with partners via trusted sources. He commented that planning across the system was underway for the response in the event of a red alert being issued and a briefing note on this would be shared with all elected Members. He added that ward specific analysis as to the impacts of extreme weather was being undertaken to inform all future planning.


The Director of Public Health stated that data on the excess deaths resulting from extreme weather for 2020 indicated that there had been two and half thousand excess deaths in that year. He added that the data for 2022 was not yet available, however it was anticipated that this figure would be higher. He commented that anecdotal evidence indicated that there had been an increase in presentations at primary and secondary care settings during the recent heatwave. He concluded that the key public health messages, such as drinking water regularly, closing curtains to keep the direct heat out and using sunscreen remained, in addition to other messaging around associated risks such as the dangers related to open cold-water swimming.


Members of the Committee reiterated the importance of the use of sunscreen and commented that residents should shop around for this product as the prices charged by different retailers for this product could vary significantly.




To note the oral update.



[2.00-2.05] Minutes pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2023.




To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2023.



[2.05-2.50] Better Outcomes Better Lives & Adult Social Care Commissioning pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services


This report provides Scrutiny with a further update on the Better Outcomes Better Lives Transformation Programme and an update on Adult Social Care Commissioning, including the latest refresh of the MLCO Commissioning Plan.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services that provided a further update on the Better Outcomes Better Lives (BOBL) Transformation Programme and an update on Adult Social Care Commissioning, including the latest refresh of the Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO) Commissioning Plan.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         Providing an introduction and update in relation to BOBL across a range of activities;

·         A description of the central aims of the MLCO Commissioning Plan;

·         Consideration of the other commissioning priorities and developments 23/24; and

·         Conclusions.


The Committee also received a video presentation submitted by Darren Knight, Chief Executive, George House Trust that provided testimony of working with commissioners.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:


·         Welcoming the format of the report and the use of plain English;

·         Recognising the benefits of integrated health and social care teams and services;

·         What planning was being given to respond to future demands on services, noting the ageing population;

·         How would the work described address health inequalities;

·         Could a citizen or a professional acting on their behalf request a reassessment of their individual care needs in the event of a change in their circumstances; and

·         Noting the challenge presented by staff recruitment and retention across the care sector and what was being done to address this.


The Assistant Director, Commissioning stated that consideration was given to planning for future demands and demographic trends. She commented that commissioners were alert to the issue of residents with complex long-term conditions and disabilities; and those residents due to transition into Adult Social Care (post 18). She stated that using evidence-based analysis this then informed all considerations and future planning, noting that wider issues and solutions, such as appropriate housing adaptations were considered. She drew Member’s attention to the Extra Care Housing report that had been considered by the Committee at their meeting of 22 June 2022 as one example of this approach and planning. She commented that commissioning was responsive to gaps in provision and referenced how feedback from frontline Social Workers was captured and informed this decision-making process. The Director of Market Development referred to the activities to engage with providers to identify pressures and understand capacity across the sector. He referred to the Innovation Labs that had been established to facilitate and support this ongoing dialogue, adding that the citizen’s voice was evident in these conversations with providers.


The Director of Market Development further commented that the pandemic had exacerbated staffing issues that had already existed across the external care market. He described that improved relationships and dialogue with the external care sector had been established. He advised that the Council had supported with the hosting of job fairs to support the sector and many employers were now paying the Living Wage, in addition test and learn pilots had been delivered to support and develop staff, commenting that this would contribute to staff retention. He commented upon the improved relationship and understanding that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


[2.50-3.30] Manchester Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report 2021-2022 pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report of the Manchester Safeguarding Partnership, Adults Executive Chair, the Executive Director Adult Social Care


This report provides the Committee with a summary update on the Manchester Safeguarding Partnership (MSP) Annual report.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of Manchester Safeguarding Partnership Adults Executive Chair, that provided a summary update on the Manchester Safeguarding Partnership (MSP) Annual report. The Annual report was appended to the report.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         An introduction, describing that the MSP was a partnership of adult and children’s safeguarding;

·         Describing the Partnership arrangements;

·         Communication and engagement;

·         Safeguarding effectiveness and scrutiny;

·         Safeguarding practice reviews;

·         Learning and development;

·         Complex safeguarding;

·         Neglect; and

·         Homelessness.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:


·         Welcoming the openness and honesty within the report;

·         Recognising the significant impact the pandemic had on safeguarding;

·         Enquiring if the information and data that described the outcomes of this work would be included in the 2022/23 report;

·         Recognising the importance of coproduction; and

·         How did the work of safeguarding in Manchester compare to that in the other nine authorities across Greater Manchester.


The Assistant Director, Adult Social Care advised that the production of the 2022/23 report had been delayed for a number of reasons but was currently being finalised and would be presented to the Committee at an appropriate time. He advised that the 2022/23 report would discuss the outcomes, impact and evaluation of this work for Manchester residents. He described that the 2022/23 report would also include the new Strategic Plan that was evidence based and responded to the safeguarding issues that had arisen and been acutely intensified as a result of the pandemic. He further informed the Committee that the Strategic Plan also captured and articulated the citizen voice and experience. He commented that the report would also update the Committee on the improved and strengthened governance arrangements that had developed following an independent review.


The Assistant Director, Adult Social Care commented that there were many common safeguarding themes that existed across all the Greater Manchester authorities, however Manchester had its own unique, bespoke and complex challenges. He said that the new governance arrangements acknowledged and responded to this complexity. He added that Manchester was a member of the Northwest Safeguarding Alliance that provided a forum to share learning and experience. 


In response to a specific question about the relationship between the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care System and safeguarding, the Director of Public Health advised that this would be captured in the report that was scheduled for consideration at the September meeting.




To note the report.



[3.30-3.45] Overview Report pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit


The monthly report includes the recommendations monitor, relevant key decisions, the Committee’s work programme and items for information. The report also contains additional information including details of those organisations that have been inspected by the Care Quality Commission.


The report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit which contained key decisions within the Committee’s remit and responses to previous recommendations was submitted for comment. Members were also invited to agree the Committee’s future work programme.


The Chair commented that discussions were ongoing to agree the scope and remit of the Mental Health Subgroup that was recommended at the May meeting. She advised that if Members were interested in joining the Subgroup they should contact both herself and the Scrutiny Support Officer.




The Committee notes the report and agrees the work programme.