Agenda and minutes
Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 22nd June, 2021 2.00 pm
Venue: Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions
Contact: Michael Williamson
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2021 were submitted for approval. A Member requested that the information that had been requested at that meeting in relation to Corporate Property (see ref. RGSC/21/22) be circulated to Members at the earliest opportunity. The Deputy Leader (Finance) stated that she would provide this following the meeting.
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2021 |
Future Shape of the Council Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer attached
This report sets out the context and background for the Future Shape of the Council Programme, its priority areas of work and benefits to the Council and its residents. The digital agenda forms a major workstream within the Future Shape programme and ICT support will be integral to its successful delivery. This paper sets out this work. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer, which set out the context and background for the Future Shape of the Council Programme, its priority areas of work and benefits to the Council and its residents and how the digital agenda formed a major workstream within the Future Shape programme and how ICT support would be integral to its successful delivery.
Key points and themes of the report included:-
· The Future Council programme objectives and overview of workstreams; · A detailed introduction to the scope of the digitally integrated council workstream; and · The role of ICT in the successful delivery of the programme
Some of the key points raised during the Committee’s discussions were:-
· An understanding of how the figure of the number of residents who were digitally excluded was arrived at and how was this defined; · Any digital service needed to be tested from the end user perspective to ensure it was fit for purpose prior to launching; · The need to prioritise the most deprived wards in the city, noting the experience of residents during Covid; · The need to work with large national providers to ensure residents were able to access data, noting the positive examples in response to barriers experienced by residents during the pandemic; · An update was sought on the integration of both health systems and those used by Northwards; · The CRM system needed to be reviewed to ensure residents could report issues, including the ability up upload photographs and consideration needed to be given to the automatic replies to ensure they were appropriate; · Premises Licenses were previously available to view online, however they were no longer accessible and was there a reason for this; and · An update on the timeline and budgets for the delivery of the replacement CRM and SAP systems was requested.
The Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer explained that the report represented a significant programme of change to be delivered in a very challenging financial position. The Deputy Leader (Finance) commented that the report described the ambitions to deliver, noting that there were a number of workstreams to drive this ambition. She stated that this work was not a passive response to continued budget cuts but rather a proactive approach to drive improvements and efficiencies that met the needs of residents.
The Director of Customer Services and Transactions stated that the Digital Agenda was predicated on the needs of residents and improving their access and experience. She described that a Digital Index was being created that collated data from a range of sources that could then be provided at a ward level. She stated that the development of the Digital Index would then assist with the meaningful measurement of progress against an agreed set of criteria. She stated this work was being progress by the Director of Inclusive Economy and the Manchester Digital Strategy would be reported to the Economy Scrutiny Committee.
The Director of Customer Services and Transactions acknowledged the comment raised by the Member regarding the ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Domestic Violence and Abuse Funding Report of the Strategic Director – Neighbourhoods attached
This report sets out the current funding arrangement for Domestic Violence and Abuse services across Manchester. It highlights in particular new investments that the council is making in 2021/22 to help further support victims and children and tackle perpetrator behaviour. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods), which set out the current funding arrangement for Domestic Violence and Abuse (DV&A) services across Manchester. It highlighted in particular, new investments that the Council was making in 2021/22 to help further support victims and children and tackle perpetrator behaviour.
Key points and themes in the report included:-
· Nationally and locally, it had been acknowledged that funding provision for DV&A services had historically been piecemeal and short term in nature; · In total the Council funds £2,268,305 in 2021/22 for DV&A services which included contributions from Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the Community Safety Partnership; · In addition to this, it had recently been confirmed that the Council would receive a further £1,652,996 for 2021/22 from central government in relation to new burdens funding. The funding was guaranteed for three years, but funding allocations for 2022/23 and 2023/24 have not yet been set; · Decisions on how DV&A funding is used going forward will be informed by the Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy Refresh; and · A key aim of the new strategy would be to work with services, alongside schools, colleges and universities to support them in helping to prevent abuse, intervene earlier and change attitudes
Some of the key points that arose from the Committees discussions were:-
· Further clarification was requested regarding the accommodation that would be provided for males who were the victims of DV&A; · Further information of the structure and function of the DV&A Partnership Board; · Noting the ad hoc and piecemeal funding provided by central government to address DV&A was there strategic oversight of the various spending and funding bids across the city; · Further information was requested in relation to the New Burdens Funding; · Further information was requested on the Drive programme; · Work needed to be undertaken with housing providers to ensure that it was the perpetrator of DV&A that was required to leave the family home; and · What is the overall cost of DV&A to public services.
The Strategic Lead Integrated Commissioning explained that nationally funding to deliver DV&A services was piecemeal and short term and this approach was challenging when designing services. He advised that Manchester had remained committed to investing in DV&A services over the years of austerity which placed the city in a strong position to respond to the Domestic Abuse Act that placed a new duty on local authorities to provide support to victims in refuges and other safe accommodation. He stated that the new Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy for the city was being developed in partnership with the wider public services, communities and residents, and a draft would be available in the summer.
The Domestic Abuse Reduction Manager advised that the DV&A Partnership Board would replace the Domestic Violence Strategy Group and they would meet in July. She advised that the remit and governance arrangements of the Board would be agreed. She informed ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |
Report of the Strategic Director for Children and Education Services attached
This report outlines a set of proposals to support the continued provision of high quality Early Years settings across the City. The report specifically provides an overview of the impact of the current Early Years tendered day-care model (whereby providers offer day-care from a Council owned building), on the Council’s duty to oversee sufficient day-care for preschool children across Manchester; the Early Years Budget and ongoing maintenance of Early Years buildings which remain part of the corporate estate Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Children and Education Services, which outlined a set of proposals to support the continued provision of high quality Early Years settings across the City. The report specifically provided an overview of the impact of the current Early Years tendered day-care model (whereby providers offer day-care from a Council owned building), on the Council’s duty to oversee sufficient day-care for preschool children across Manchester; the Early Years Budget and ongoing maintenance of Early Years buildings which remain part of the corporate estate.
Key points and themes of the report included:-
· Results of stock condition surveys; · Review of early years buildings within the portfolio; · Financial implications – revenue and capital; · Further actions; and · Support Provided to Early Years Settings During the Pandemic
The report was also being considered by the Children and Young Peoples Scrutiny Committee on 23 June 2021 and Executive on 30 June 2021.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committees discussions were:-
· Central Government had failed to adequately fund early years provision; · This inadequate funding had resulted in instability across the sector and that was detrimental to both young people and their families; · Recognising that the report proposed to bring a level of stability to the sector, across the whole of the city; · Had the Council given consideration to providing direct provision using Invest to Save analysis, noting the importance of early years provision and the impact this had on other services if not adequately catered for; · Noting that to deliver the required stability in the market a longer term plan was required and what metrics were considered to ensure the provision was adequate to meet the needs of the population; · Was the reported time period for the retendering of a site commencing to the site being re-occupied typical; and · Welcoming the proposal that the Council would have landlord responsibilities included within the Council’s existing Asset Management Programme.
The Head of Corporate Estate and Facilities advised that the time period for the retendering of a site commencing to the site being re-occupied was typical. He commented that the decision to incorporate landlord responsibilities within the Council’s existing Asset Management Programme would strengthen the inspection regime to ensure premises were safe and compliant with all required standards. He commented that this approach would also present the opportunity to invest in and facilitate the delivery of carbon reduction initiatives through the estates management and contribute to the city’s carbon reduction ambitions. In response to a specific question regarding the future development of sites for purposes other than day care provision, he advised that there were mechanisms in place to protect those sites.
The Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer referred to the budget decisions that had been taken in 2011 in relation to the delivery model of day care provision in the context of austerity. She added that nationally the direct provider model is not one that was adopted by Local Authorities.
The Executive Member for Children’s Services ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit.
This report provides the Committee with details of key decisions that fall within the Committee’s remit and an update on actions resulting from the Committee’s recommendations. The report also includes the Committee’s work programme, which the Committee is asked to amend as appropriate and agree. Minutes: A report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit which contained key decisions within the Committee’s remit and responses to previous recommendations was submitted for comment. Members were also invited to agree the Committee’s future work programme.
A Member requested that the information relating to the Key Decision and Care Homes that had been requested previously be forwarded to the Committee at the earliest opportunity.
To note the report and agree the work programme subject to the above comment. |