Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 3rd October, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: The Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension

Contact: Donald Connolly 


No. Item


The Lord Mayor's Special Business - Death of Former Councillor Mick Loughman pdf icon PDF 114 KB





The Our Healthier Manchester Update by Councillor Craig, Ian Williamson, Dr Ruth Bromley and Michael McCourt




The Manchester Together Archive (the spontaneous public memorials to the Manchester Arena Attack)  by Amanda Wallace (Deputy Director, Galleries).

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor invited those present to stand for a minute silence in memory of former Councillor Mick Loughman who had served on the Council from 2001 to 2018 and during this time served as both Chair and deputy Chair of Planning and Highways Committee and as a member of the Licensing Committee.


The Lord Mayor's Special Business - Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor invited those present to stand for a minute silence as a mark of respect to acknowledge the tragic loss of life following the earthquake and tsunami that has devastated the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.


The Lord Mayor's Special Business - Long Service Awards

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor informed the Council that she had recently attended the Council’s Long Service Awards Ceremony held at Gorton Monastery on 23 July 2018 to recognise those members of staff who have worked for City Council for 25 years and 40 years, respectively. To acknowledge and thank the members of staff for their service, the Lord Mayor read out the names of the staff members with 40 years of service. The complete list of names of the staff members was published in the Council Summons.


The Lord Mayor's Special Business - Outstanding Contribution Certificates

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor presented certificates for Outstanding Contribution in recognition of the work to safeguard young people to:


·         Paul Fletcher (CEO - Young Lives)

·         Demi Mullings (Young Lives)

·         Natasha Walsh (Manchester Safeguarding Schools Team)

·         Superintendent Dave Pester (Greater Manchester Police)

·         Sara Gerrie (Manchester Communication Academy).


The Lord Mayor's Presentation - Our Healthier Manchester Update

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor invited Councillor Craig (Executive Member Adult for Adults Health and Wellbeing), Ian Williamson (MHCC), Dr Ruth Bromley (MHCC) and Michael McCourt (LMCO) to give a presentation to Council.


The Mayor invited members to ask questions.


The Mayor thanked the Executive Member and representatives for their presentation.


The Lord Mayor's Special Business - Presentation - The Manchester Together Archive (the spontaneous public memorials to the Manchester Arena Attack)

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor invited Amanda Wallace (Deputy Director, Galleries) and Neil MacInnes (Strategic Lead Library/Galleries/Culture) to give a presentation to Council on the important work undertaken to create the Manchester Together Archive.


The Mayor invited members to ask questions.


The Mayor thanked the Deputy Director, Galleries for the presentation.


(The Lord Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11.20am and resumed the meeting at 11.35am.)


Minutes pdf icon PDF 278 KB

To submit for approval the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2018.

Additional documents:




To agree the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 11 July 2018 as a correct record.


Proceedings of the Executive pdf icon PDF 260 KB

To submit for approval the minutes of the meetings held on 25 July and 12 September 2018, and in particular to consider the following recommendations:

Exe/18/078    Capital Programme Monitoring


To recommend that Council approve the in-year budget transfers over £0.5m between capital schemes to maximise use of funding resources available to the Council as set out in the appendix to these minutes (Appendix attached).

Exe/18/079    Capital Programme Update


To recommend that the Council approve the following changes to Council’s capital programme:


(a) ICT – New Intranet. A decrease in the capital budget of £0.270m in 2018/19 and £0.293m in 2019/20 and the transfer of these values to the revenue budget, funded by capital fund.


(b) Strategic Development - Lincoln Square. A capital budget allocation and transfer of £1.200m in 2018/19 from the Sustaining Key Initiatives budget, funded by borrowing.

Additional documents:


The proceedings of the Executive on 25 July and 12 September 2018 were submitted. The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendations:


Exe/18/078 Capital Programme – Proposed Increases Council to approve:


The in-year budget transfers over £0.5m between capital schemes to maximise use of funding resources available to the Council as set out in the appendix to these minutes.


Exe/18/079 Capital Programme – Proposed Increases Council to approve:


(a) ICT – New Intranet. A decrease in the capital budget of £0.270m in 2018/19 and £0.293m in 2019/20 and the transfer of these values to the revenue budget, funded by capital fund.


(b) Strategic Development - Lincoln Square. A capital budget allocation and transfer of £1.200m in 2018/19 from the Sustaining Key Initiatives budget, funded by borrowing.




1.         To receive the minutes of the Executive held on 25 July and 12 September 2018.


2.         To approve the following changes to the Manchester City Council (MCC) capital programme:


a)         The in-year budget transfers over £0.5m between capital schemes to maximise use of funding resources available to the Council as set out in the appendix to these minutes (Executive 25 July 2018).


b)         ICT – New Intranet. A decrease in the capital budget of £0.270m in 2018/19 and £0.293m in 2019/20 and the transfer of these values to the revenue budget, funded by capital fund.


c)         Strategic Development - Lincoln Square. A capital budget allocation and transfer of £1.200m in 2018/19 from the Sustaining Key Initiatives budget, funded by borrowing.


[Councillor Hassan declared a prejudicial interest in respect of Minute Number Exe/18/078 Capital Programme – Proposed Increases, for the reason that he is a Council nominated Board Member of Northwards Housing.]


Questions to Executive Members under Procedural Rule 23

Additional documents:


Councillor Rahman responded to a question from Councillor White regarding the development of waste and litter collection strategies in the city’s parks.


Councillor N Murphy responded to a question from Councillor Watson regarding the availability of police and council resources to deal with anti-social and illegal behaviour.


Councillor Stogia responded to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding injuries recorded from accidents on pavements and pathways in the last 24 months.


Councillor N Murphy provided a response to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding the Council’s plans to support Manchester’s STEM and digital sectors.


Councillor N Murphy responded to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding the Council’s support for home watch and local neighbourhood schemes.


Councillor Ollerhead responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding the impact of a “no deal” Brexit on the Council’s finances.


Councillor Rahman responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding complaints received in the past 5 years on the maintenance of Council owned sports pitches.


Councillor Stogia replied to a question from Councillor Leech regarding the Council’s position in supporting a complete ban on fracking.


Councillor Richards replied to a question from Councillor Leech concerning the progress made in achieving a target of delivering 2000 affordable homes per year.


Councillor Akbar replied to a question from Councillor Leech regarding the use of glyphosate to control weeds.


Councillor Leese responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding the introduction of charging for the dropping off of passengers using Manchester Airport.


Councillor N Murphy responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding bidders for a contract for the refurbishment of the Town Hall.


[Councillor Leese declared a personal interest in the question submitted relating to Manchester Airport for the reason that he is a Council nominated Director of Manchester Airport Holdings plc.]


Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 188 KB

To note the minutes of the following scrutiny committees:

Health – 17 July and 4 September 2018

Children and Young People – 17 July and 4 September 2018 (to follow)

Neighbourhoods and Environment – 18 July and 5 September 2018 (to follow)

Economy – 18 July and 5 September 2018

Communities and Equalities – 19 July  and 6 September 2018

Resources and Governance – 19 July and 6 September 2018 (to follow)


Additional documents:


The minutes of the following Scrutiny Committee meetings were submitted:


Health– 17 July and 4 September 2018

Children and Young People – 17 July and 4 September 2018

Neighbourhoods and Environment – 18 July and 5 September 2018

Economy– 18 July and 5 September 2018

Communities and Equalities – 19 July and 6 September 2018

Resources and Governance – 19 July and 6 September 2018




To receive those minutes.


Proceedings of Committees pdf icon PDF 694 KB

To submit for approval the minutes of the following meetings and consider recommendations made by the committee:


Audit Committee –  31 July and 3 September 2018

Health and Wellbeing Board – 29 August 2018

Licensing Committee – 16 July 2018

Licensing and Appeals Committee – 16 July and 10 September 2018

Planning and Highways Committee – 26 July, 23 August and 20 September 2018 (to follow)

Constitutional and Nomination Committee – 1 October (to follow) and to also consider any recommendations contained in the minutes of that meeting that are to be available at the meeting


Personnel Committee – 25 July and 12 September 2018, in particular to consider:


PE/18/22        Her Majesty’s Coroners Pay Award


• To recommend that the Council approve the increase in salary for the Senior Coroner from £105,000 with £20,000 additional performance payment to £130,000 in line with JNC guidance with continuance of the £20,000 payment to cover the provision of additional non statutory out of hours cover, back dated to 1 April 2018. 


• To recommend that the Council approve the increase in salary for the Area Coroner from £75,000 to £100,000, backdated to 1 April 2018.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following meetings were submitted:


Audit Committee – 31 July 3 September 2018

Health and Wellbeing Board – 29 August 2018

Licensing Committee – 16 July 2018

Licensing and Appeals Committee – 16 July and 10 September 2018

Planning and Highways Committee – 26 July, 23 August and 20 September 2018

Personnel Committee – 25 July and 12 September 2018

Constitutional and Nomination Committee – 1 October 2018


(The Council was informed that Minute Number CN/18/14 Transport for Greater Manchester Committee (Constitutional and Nomination Committee - 1 October 2018) had been withdrawn and would not be considered.)


The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendations:


Personnel Committee 12 September 2018


PE/18/22  Her Majesty’s Coroners Pay Award


  1. To recommend that the Council approve the increase in salary for the Senior Coroner from £105,000 with £20,000 additional performance payment to £130,000 in line with JNC guidance with continuance of the £20,000 payment to cover the provision of additional non statutory out of hours cover, back dated to 1 April 2018. 


2.   To recommend that the Council approve the increase in salary for the Area Coroner from £75,000 to £100,000, backdated to 1 April 2018.


Constitutional and Nomination Committee 1 October 2018


CN/18/12Admission to the Roll of Honorary Aldermen


To recommend to Council that a special meeting of the City Council be convened on 28 November 2018 for the purpose of adopting a resolution, to be proposed by the Lord Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor, that Mr Andrew Fender and Mrs Nilofar Siddiqi are admitted as Honorary Aldermen of the City of Manchester in recognition of the long and eminent service that they have rendered to the Council, and thereafter to install Mr Fender and Mrs Siddiqi as Honorary Aldermen.


CN/18/13Proposed Revisions to the Constitution


  1. To recommend that the Council adopt, subject to 3 below, the attached revised Sections of the Constitution of the Council, namely:

a)    Part 3: Sections A, C, and F

b)    Part 4: Section F

c)    Part 5: Section E

d)    Part 8


  1. To note that the remainder of the Constitution remains unchanged.


  1. To note in relation to Part 3 of the Constitution that responsibility for the discharge of executive functions and the delegation of such responsibility rests with the Leader of the Council and that the recommended delegations of executive functions set out in Part 3 (Sections A and F) are for the information of the Council only.


CN/18/15Membership of Council committees and representation on joint boards and joint committees


Membership of Committees


To recommend to Council the following changes in appointments to Committees and Joint Committees of the Council:



Member removed

Member appointed

Executive Consultative Panel


Councillor Karney

Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee


Councillor Collins

Economy Scrutiny Committee


Councillor A Simcock

Councillor Paul

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Collins

Monika Neall (Co-Opted Parent Governor Representative)

WalidOmara (Co-Opted Parent Governor Representative)

Licensing Committee


Councillor Paul

Licensing and Appeals Committee


Councillor Paul  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79.


Business of the Combined Authority, Joint Authorities and Joint Committees

To receive answers to any questions raised in accordance with Procedural Rule 24 on the business of: (a) the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, (b) the Greater Manchester Fire and Civil Defence Authority, (c) the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority, (d) the Transport for Greater Manchester Committee.

Additional documents:


The Lord Mayor reported that two questions had been received regarding business of the Combined Authority, Joint Authorities and Joint Committees.


The Leader of the Council responded to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding action to address air pollution within Greater Manchester.


The Leader of the Council responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding a campaign to allow dogs on leads to travel on Metrolink.


Key Decisions Report pdf icon PDF 110 KB

The report of the City Solicitor is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Council noted the report of the City Solicitor on key decisions that had been exempted from call-in.




To note the report.


Notice of Motion: Mancunian Heritage

This council notes the large amount of work undertaken to protect Manchester’s heritage, including protections for the 900 listed buildings, 34 conservation areas and 1 scheduled ancient monument contained within our city. It also notes that the Manchester Core Strategy makes provision for the council to ensure that development and progress across our city complements and enhances our historic environment.

What is understood by ‘heritage’ has changed in recent times, and there is much more focus on intangible heritage such as community history and collective memory. This council believes that communities have a huge role to play in protecting our heritage and publicising our history, and that Manchester City Council should work with residents, community groups, schools and other interested parties to identify and promote aspects of local history and heritage, at both ward and city level.

This council notes that there are best practice guidelines available from Historic England which Manchester City Council has used to protect much of our heritage with great success, but also that further, more Manchester-specific definitions of heritage can be adopted to ensure we are protecting not just the physical characteristics of our city, but the essence of what it means to be Manchester.

This council resolves that:

1.  A working group be established to look further into aspects of heritage and community history
2.  The above group leads a ward level heritage audit where buildings, structures   or locations that are not listed or otherwise officially protected, but are important to the history of their community, are brought to the council’s attention
3.  That the council create and adopt a definition of “Mancunian Heritage” and work to protect our city’s look, structure, and feel by “keeping it Manchester


Proposed by Councillor Douglas, Seconded by Councillor Lovecy and also signed by Councillors Strong, Wheeler and Lyons.  

Additional documents:


Motion proposed and seconded:


This council notes the large amount of work undertaken to protect Manchester’s heritage, including protections for the 900 listed buildings, 34 conservation areas and 1 scheduled ancient monument contained within our city. It also notes that the Manchester Core Strategy makes provision for the council to ensure that development and progress across our city complements and enhances our historic environment.

What is understood by ‘heritage’ has changed in recent times, and there is much more focus on intangible heritage such as community history and collective memory. This council believes that communities have a huge role to play in protecting our heritage and publicising our history, and that Manchester City Council should work with residents, community groups, schools and other interested parties to identify and promote aspects of local history and heritage, at both ward and city level.

This council notes that there are best practice guidelines available from Historic England which Manchester City Council has used to protect much of our heritage with great success, but also that further, more Manchester-specific definitions of heritage can be adopted to ensure we are protecting not just the physical characteristics of our city, but the essence of what it means to be Manchester.

This council resolves that:-


1.            A working group be established to look further into aspects of heritage and community history.


2.            The above group leads a ward level heritage audit where buildings, structures or locations that are not listed or otherwise officially protected, but are important to the history of their community, are brought to the council’s attention.


 3.        That the council create and adopt a definition of “Mancunian Heritage” and work to protect our city’s look, structure, and feel by “keeping it Manchester”.




The motion was put to Council and voted on and the Lord Mayor declared that is was carried.




This council resolves that:


1.            A working group be established to look further into aspects of heritage and community history.


2.            The above group leads a ward level heritage audit where buildings, structures or locations that are not listed or otherwise officially protected, but are important to the history of their community, are brought to the council’s attention.


3.         That the council create and adopt a definition of “Mancunian Heritage” and work to protect our city’s look, structure, and feel by “keeping it Manchester”.


Notice of Motion: Parks Security

Council notes a number of recent incidents that have occurred within the city’s parks, which have affected the security and safety of park users. Council also notes that such incidents may result in residents feeling reluctant to use the city’s parks in the way they were intended. Manchester has a strong history of creating, acquiring and maintaining parks for the use and benefit of the city’s residents (and visitors), and parks have long been a cornerstone of the social, physical, cultural and economic health of the city and its communities. As well as organised events, activities and sports, the presence of a park in a community can contribute in very tangible ways to the overall health, wellbeing, social cohesion, aspiration and skills of its users and stakeholders – as has been argued, affirmed and proven by many individuals and organisations over the 172 year history of public parks in Manchester.


Nevertheless, recent incidents in a number of our parks – and a growing perception of insecurity among park users – threatens to undermine the beneficial contribution our parks make to our communities. Council notes that this can only have a detrimental effect to our city. Concerns about safety have left many people reluctant to visit their local park, or to engage with the opportunities and services it offers. Without action and a reaffirmed commitment to the security and safety of park users, we risk facing further reduction in usage and engagement (particularly in smaller parks with few or no ‘destination events’). The Council has a strong Parks Strategy, developed through both public consultation and Scrutiny, but this strategy cannot succeed if people do not feel safe going into our parks.


Council calls upon the Executive and officers to undertake a review of security and safety arrangements for parks across the city, with a view to developing a refreshed strategy for park safety that will enhance and strengthen the implementation of the Parks Strategy. In addition, Council calls on the Executive and officer to look at ways of supporting user and stakeholder groups (including, but not limited to, Friends groups) who are often called on to deal with the consequences of incidents, and who are ‘frontline’ in assessing and reporting security concerns, and to develop and support channels for sharing best practice and multi-agency working to promote and maintain the safety and security of all our public parks.


Proposed by Councillor H Priest, Seconded by Councillor Riasat and also signed by Councillors Holt, Wills, Curley, Craig and Ali Ahmed

Additional documents:


Motion proposed and seconded:


Council notes a number of recent incidents that have occurred within the city’s parks, which have affected the security and safety of park users. Council also notes that such incidents may result in residents feeling reluctant to use the city’s parks in the way they were intended. Manchester has a strong history of creating, acquiring and maintaining parks for the use and benefit of the city’s residents (and visitors), and parks have long been a cornerstone of the social, physical, cultural and economic health of the city and its communities. As well as organised events, activities and sports, the presence of a park in a community can contribute in very tangible ways to the overall health, wellbeing, social cohesion, aspiration and skills of its users and stakeholders – as has been argued, affirmed and proven by many individuals and organisations over the 172 year history of public parks in Manchester.


Nevertheless, recent incidents in a number of our parks – and a growing perception of insecurity among park users – threatens to undermine the beneficial contribution our parks make to our communities. Council notes that this can only have a detrimental effect to our city. Concerns about safety have left many people reluctant to visit their local park, or to engage with the opportunities and services it offers. Without action and a reaffirmed commitment to the security and safety of park users, we risk facing further reduction in usage and engagement (particularly in smaller parks with few or no ‘destination events’). The Council has a strong Parks Strategy, developed through both public consultation and Scrutiny, but this strategy cannot succeed if people do not feel safe going into our parks.


Council calls upon the Executive and officers to undertake a review of security and safety arrangements for parks across the city, with a view to developing a refreshed strategy for park safety that will enhance and strengthen the implementation of the Parks Strategy. In addition, Council calls on the Executive and officers to look at ways of supporting user and stakeholder groups (including, but not limited to, Friends groups) who are often called on to deal with the consequences of incidents, and who are ‘frontline’ in assessing and reporting security concerns, and to develop and support channels for sharing best practice and multi-agency working to promote and maintain the safety and security of all our public parks.




The motion was put to Council and voted on and the Lord Mayor declared that is was carried.




The Council calls upon the Executive and officers to undertake a review of security and safety arrangements for parks across the city, with a view to developing a refreshed strategy for park safety that will enhance and strengthen the implementation of the Parks Strategy. In addition, Council calls on the Executive and officers to look at ways of supporting user and stakeholder groups (including, but not limited to, Friends groups) who are often called on to deal with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 83.