Agenda and minutes
Council - Wednesday, 27th November, 2019 10.00 am
Venue: The Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension
Contact: Donald Connolly
No. | Item |
The Lord Mayor's Announcements and Special Business - Death of Former Councillor John Smith Including a presentation on Social Value by Pete Bradshaw (Head of Sustainability, Manchester City Football Club). Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor invited those present at the meeting to observe a minute’s silence in memory of Honorary Alderman, former Lord Mayor’s Consort and former Councillor, Mr John Smith. Former Councillor Smith was elected in 1971 to serve the Newton Heath Ward as well as representing Bradford Ward for seven years before retiring in 2007. He also served as Lord Mayor for 2001-2002. |
Lord Mayor's Special Business - Chief Executive's Pride in the City Awards Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor invited the finalists for the Chief Executive’s Pride in the City Award in recognition of their individual achievements and the difference they have made to the lives of the people who live and work within Manchester.
The Mayor welcomed the finalists:
Dave Roscoe – Growth and Development Heather Coates – Neighbourhoods Mike Galway – Adult Social Care Paul Hindle – Corporate Core Jane Slinger – Children’s Services Emma Burnett – Corporate Core
The Lord Mayor announced Emma Burnett as winner of the 2019 Pride in the City Award. The Chief Executive presented the award. |
Lord Mayor's Special Business - Proceeds of the Three Peaks Challenge Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor invited Councillor Ollerhead to speak to thank those who had taken part in the Three Peaks Challenge in July 2019 and recognised the hard work of the members of the support team involved in the event. Councillor Ollerhead presented a cheque for £25,939.88 that had been raised from the event to Gerard Carter representing “We Love Manchester” Charity and Stephanie Moore representing “Big Change Manchester” Charity. |
Lord Mayor's Special Business - Living Wage Foundation Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor was presented with the Living Wage Foundation Accreditation Plaque on behalf of the Council by Councillors Ollerhead, Craig and S Murphy. |
Lord Mayor's Special Business - Presentation on Social Value Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor invited Pete Bradshaw (Head of Sustainability - Manchester City Football Club), Mike Green (City in the Community) and Angela Harrington (Head of Work and Skills - Manchester City Council) to give a presentation on Social Value. |
To submit for approval the minutes of the Special and Ordinary meetings held on 2 October 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the ordinary meeting and of the special meeting held on 2 October 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Notice of Motion: Christmas Markets in Albert Square Council notes that this year marks the twentieth year of the Christmas Markets in Albert Square, during which time Manchester has seen many changes.
Council looks forward to their continued success, and to their return to Albert Square when the works on Our Town Hall are completed in 2024.
Proposed by Councillor Karney, Seconded by Councillor Rahman and also signed by Councillors Flanagan, Andrews and Lyons. Additional documents: Minutes: Motion proposed and seconded:
Council notes that this year marks the twentieth year of the Christmas Markets in Albert Square, during which time Manchester has seen many changes.
Council looks forward to their continued success, and to their return to Albert Square when the works on Our Town Hall are completed in 2024.
Amendment made and seconded
A copy of the amendment was circulated as follows.
To insert the after:
Council notes that this year marks the twentieth year of the Christmas markets in Albert Square, during which time Manchester has seen many changes.
The following:
Council will recall that this period began under a Labour Government which invested in public services, got people back into work and lifted 600,000 children out of poverty. It ended, after ten years of Tory austerity, with a real-terms cut in funding for local Councils of 77% leading to savage cuts to services for those who most need them. Council will recall Labour Governments delivering real improvements for people and is invited to contrast this with the misery heaped on our communities by the Tories since 2010. In particular Council notes that:
Labour recruited an extra 14,000 more police officers in England and Wales leading to a 32% reduction in crime whereas the Tories scrapped 21,000 police officers and are now presiding over the fastest rising crime rate in a decade;
Labour’s New Deal programme helped 1.8 million people back into work and cut long term youth unemployment cut by 75% whereas Tory benefit cuts and the introduction of Universal Credit affecting families in and out of work, have led to an increase in family poverty and a massive increase in reliance on food banks with 10 Million households estimated to have experienced a loss of income in real terms;
The Labour Government doubled school funding per pupil and implemented the £55 billion ‘Building Schools for the Future’ programme to modernise every secondary school in the UK compared to the Tories record of trebling of University tuition fees and scrapping Education Maintenance Allowance;
Labour invested in housing and brought over a million social homes up to standard while the Tories have overseen a national housing crisis with twice as many people sleeping rough than in 2010 and more than 120,000 children without a permanent home. Resolution
The amended motion was put to Council and voted on and the Lord Mayor declared that is was carried unanimously.
(The City Solicitor advised Council that the second amendment circulated was not relevant to the original motion submitted and therefore, could not be considered.)
Council notes that this year marks the twentieth year of the Christmas markets in Albert Square, during which time Manchester has seen many changes.
Council will recall that this period began under a Labour Government which invested in public services, got people back into work and lifted 600,000 children out of poverty. It ended, after ten years of Tory austerity, with a real-terms cut in funding for local Councils of 77% leading ... view the full minutes text for item 83. |
Proceedings of the Executive To submit the minutes of the Executive on 16 October 2019 and 13 November 2019 (to follow) and in particular to consider:
Exe/19/85 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019/20 To recommend that the Council approve the proposed virements over £0.5m in paragraph as set out in the minutes.
Exe/19/97 Capital Programme Update
To recommend that the Council approve the following two changes to the capital programme:
a) ICT – Collaboration Platform Replacement. A capital budget allocation through transfer of £2.100m from the End User Experience budget is requested, funded by borrowing.
b) Neighbourhoods – Cremator and Mercury Abatement Plant Replacement Strategy. A capital budget increase of £1.551m is requested, funded by borrowing
Exe/19/98 Capital Programme Monitoring 2019/20
To recommend that Council approve the virements over £0.5m between capital schemes to maximise use of funding resources available to the City Council as set out in the appendix to these minutes.
Additional documents: Minutes: The proceedings of the Executive on 16 October and 13 November 2019 were submitted. The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendations:
Exe/19/85 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2019/20
To recommend that the Council approve the proposed virements over £0.5m in paragraph as set out in the minutes.
Exe/19/97 Capital Programme Update
To recommend that the Council approve the following two changes to the capital programme:
a) ICT – Collaboration Platform Replacement. A capital budget allocation through transfer of £2.100m from the End User Experience budget is requested, funded by borrowing. b) Neighbourhoods – Cremator and Mercury Abatement Plant Replacement Strategy. A capital budget increase of £1.551m is requested, funded by borrowing.
Exe/19/98 Capital Programme Monitoring 2019/20
To recommend that Council approve the virements over £0.5m between capital schemes to maximise use of funding resources available to the City Council as set out in the appendix to these minutes.
1. To receive the minutes of the Executive held on 16 October and 13 November 2019.
2. To approve the following two funding virements:
(1) A virement of £175k in 2019/20 and £0.698m in future years (of which £486k is permanent and £212k time limited). Increases in parking, bus lane enforcement and residents' parking activity has led to an increase in the number of penalty charges notices issued by the Council. The virement was to fund additional operational, technical and managerial resources and enable the delivery of a service improvement and transformation programme.
(2) A virement to reduce both the Transport Levy budget by £1.333m, from £38.157m to £36.824m and Grants and Contributions budget from £1.618m to £285k. Funding sources within the GMCA Transport budget had changed. In February 2019 it had been agreed that the Transport Levy would increase by £8.3m, which would be off-set by grants from the GM Mayor. Of the £8.3m, £6.84m could now be retained within the Mayoral General Fund which would necessitate a reduction per district in the remaining Transport levy payable, which would be off-set by not receiving Mayoral grants to the same amount.
3. To approve the following changes to the Capital Programme:
a) ICT – Collaboration Platform Replacement. A capital budget allocation through transfer of £2.100m from the End User Experience budget is requested, funded by borrowing.
b) Neighbourhoods – Cremator and Mercury Abatement Plant Replacement Strategy. A capital budget increase of £1.551m is requested, funded by borrowing.
4. To approve the virements over £0.5m between capital schemes to maximise use of funding resources available to the City Council as set out in the appendix to these minutes. |
Questions to Executive Members and Others under Procedural Rule 23 To receive answers to any questions that councillors have raised in accordance with Procedural Rule 23.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Bridges responded to a question from Councillor Holt regarding the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency.
Councillor Ollerhead responded to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding budget allocation for Remembrance Services outside of the city centre.
Councillor Leese responded to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding preparations for Brexit.
Councillor Stogia provided a response to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding the commissioning of work on the viability of moving the zero carbon target to 2030.
Councillor N Murphy responded to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding a Public Space Protection Order for the City Centre.
Councillor Rahman responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding the Manchester Pride event.
Councillor Leese responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding the practice of “fuel-tankering”.
Councillor Hacking responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding the Manchester Pride event.
Councillor Ollerhead replied to a question from Councillor Stanton regarding assessment of the viability of future capital spend.
Councillor Stogia responded to a question from Councillor Stanton regarding highways procurement process.
Councillor Craig responded to a question from Councillor Stanton regarding the operation of needle exchanges within the City. |
Scrutiny Committees To note the minutes of the following committees:
Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee:8 October 2019 and 5 November 2019 (to follow) Health:8 October 2019 and 5 November 2019 (to follow) Children and Young People: 9 October 2019 and 6 November 2019 (to follow) Neighbourhoods and Environment: 9 October 2019 and 6 November 2019 Economy: 10 October 2019 and 7 November 2019 Communities and Equalities: 10 October 2019 and 7 November 2019 (to follow)
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the following Scrutiny Committee meetings were submitted:
Resources and Governance – 8 October and 5 November 2019 Health – 8 October and 5 November 2019 Children and Young People – 9 October and 6 November 2019 Neighbourhoods and Environment – 9 October and 6 November 2019 Economy – 10 October and 7 November 2019 Communities and Equalities – 10 October and 7 November 2019
To receive those minutes. |
Proceedings of Committees To submit for approval the minutes of the following meetings and consider recommendations made by the committee:
Planning and Highways Committee – 19 September 2019, 17 October 2019 and 14 November 2019 (to follow) Audit Committee – 15 October 2019 and 12 November 2019 Health and Wellbeing Board - 30 October 2019 Standards Committee (including the annual report of the Standards Committee) - 31 October 2019 (to follow)
Constitutional and Nomination Committee – 4 November 2019 and 27 November 2019 (to be tabled), and in particular to consider:
CN/19/26 Statutory Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places: Draft Proposals
To recommend to the Council the adoption of parliamentary polling districts and parliamentary polling places as set out in the scheme contained in Appendix 1 and in the maps found at Appendix 2, replacing the Didsbury East map with the revision that was submitted at the meeting.
To recommend to the Council the approval of the reasons given in the report for the in respect of the designation of parliamentary polling districts and parliamentary polling places.
To recommend to the Council that the scheme contained in Appendix 1 be adopted in relation to both Parliamentary and Local government elections, including the revision to the scheme that were introduced at the meeting in relation to Didsbury East ward.
To recommend to the Council that the Chief Executive is requested to publish such notices and other documentation required by law on completion of the review.
To recommend that the Council requests that the Electoral Registration Officer makes the necessary amendments to polling districts for the publication of the revised Electoral Register, noting that one of the implications of the Parliamentary General Election on 12 December was that the new Register would need to be published on 2 February 2020, to reflect the new scheme.
To recommend to the Council that authority continues to be delegated to the Chief Executive to make, where necessary, alterations to the designation of any polling place prior to the next full review in consultation with ward councillors, group leaders and the Chair of Constitutional and Nomination Committee.
Personnel Committee - 16 October 2019, and in particular to consider:
PE/19/25 Director of Commercial and Operations
To recommend that Council approves the regrade of the Director Commercial and operations from SS3 (£78, 715 - £87, 217) to SS4 (£95, 953 - £105, 940) and agrees to appointment at a salary of £105,940
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the following meetings were submitted:
Audit Committee – 15 October and 12 November 2019 Health and Wellbeing Board – 30 October 2019 Standards Committee – 31 October 2019 Planning and Highways Committee – 19 September and 17 October 2019
Constitutional and Nomination Committee – 4 November 2019
The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendations:
CN/19/26 Statutory Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places: Draft Proposals
· The adoption of parliamentary polling districts and parliamentary polling places as set out in the scheme contained in Appendix 1 and in the maps found at Appendix 2, replacing the Didsbury East map with the revision that was submitted at the meeting.
· To recommend to the Council the approval of the reasons given in the report for the in respect of the designation of parliamentary polling districts and parliamentary polling places.
· To recommend to the Council that the scheme contained in Appendix 1 be adopted in relation to both Parliamentary and Local government elections, including the revision to the scheme that were introduced at the meeting in relation to Didsbury East ward.
· To recommend to the Council that the Chief Executive is requested to publish such notices and other documentation required by law on completion of the review.
· To recommend that the Council requests that the Electoral Registration Officer makes the necessary amendments to polling districts for the publication of the revised Electoral Register, noting that one of the implications of the Parliamentary General Election on 12 December was that the new Register would need to be published on 2 February 2020, to reflect the new scheme.
· To recommend to the Council that authority continues to be delegated to the Chief Executive to make, where necessary, alterations to the designation of any polling place prior to the next full review in consultation with ward councillors, group leaders and the Chair of Constitutional and Nomination Committee.
Personnel Committee - 16 October 2019
The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendation:
PE/19/25 Director of Commercial and Operations To recommend that Council approves the regrade of the Director Commercial and Operations from SS3 (£78, 715 - £87, 217) to SS4 (£95, 953 - £105, 940) and agrees to appointment at a salary of £105,940.
1. To receive those minutes.
2. The agree the adoption of parliamentary polling districts and parliamentary polling places as set out in the scheme contained in Appendix 1 and in the maps found at Appendix 2, replacing the Didsbury East map with the revision that was submitted at the meeting of Constitutional and Nomination Committee on 4 November 2019.
3. To approve of the reasons given in the report submitted to the Constitutional and Nomination Committee in respect of the designation of parliamentary polling districts and parliamentary polling places.
4. To adopt the scheme contained in Appendix 1 of the report submitted to the Constitutional and Nomination Committee in relation to both Parliamentary and Local government elections, including the revision ... view the full minutes text for item 87. |
Key Decisions Report The report of the City Solicitor is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the City Solicitor on key decisions that had been exempted from call-in.
To note the report. |