Agenda and minutes
Budget, Council - Friday, 4th March, 2022 10.00 am
Venue: The Council Chamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension
Contact: Andrew Woods
No. | Item |
The Lord Mayor's Special Business - Ukraine Invasion Minutes: The Lord Mayor gave a statement regarding the situation in Ukraine following the unprovoked and illegal invasion of the country by Russian military forces. Reference was made to the Ukrainian community within Manchester and the longstanding links that continue with the Ukraine. The Lord Mayor called upon the Government to ensure the UK does all it can, alongside the EU to welcome, help and support Ukrainian refugees who have escaped the war.
The Lord Mayor also gave recognition to the many Russian people who oppose the invasion of Ukraine and have shown bravery in protesting in their country.
The Lord Mayor stated that the anger felt by the invasion was towards the Russian government and not Russian people and especially not those Russian people living in Manchester.
The Lord Mayor informed the Council that he had written to the Chair of the External Relations Committee in the City of Saint Petersburg to state that in view of the actions of the Russian government, Manchester is compelled to suspend the friendship agreement with St Petersburg. Manchester Council believes that peaceful co-operation between cities can help build bridges of understanding, however while the Russian government continues to act in flagrant defiance of international law it is not possible to continue with the friendship agreement. The Friendship Agreement was signed in 1962 and it is hoped that when the conditions are right that one day it may be resumed. |
The Lord Mayor's Announcement - Extraordinary meetings of Council Minutes: The Lord Mayor reminded members of the Council that two extraordinary meetings of the Council would take place following the meeting. The first meeting would be to consider recommendations for appointments to Council committees and outside bodies. The second meeting would consider a proposal that the Council petitions the HS2 Phase 2b Western Leg (Crewe- Manchester) Hybrid Bill. |
The Lord Mayor's Special Business - Constitutional and Nomination Committee minutes 4 March 2022 Minutes: The Lord Mayor agreed to the submission of the minutes of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee held on 4 March 2022. |
Minutes To allow members an opportunity to declare any personal, prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interest they might have in any items which appear on this agenda; and record any items from which they are precluded from voting as a result of Council Tax or Council rent arrears. Members with a personal interest should declare that at the start of the item under consideration. If members also have a prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interest they must withdraw from the meeting during the consideration of the item
Minutes: Decision
The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Lord Mayor. |
The Council's Revenue and Capital Budget 2022/23 PDF 920 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council met to consider and set the 2022/23 budget, Council Tax resolution for 2022/23 and Collection Fund budget for 2022/23. In doing so, the proceedings of the Art Galleries Committee on 16 February 2022 which provided details of the Art Galleries budget for 2022/23 were submitted for approval. In addition, the part proceedings of the Executive on 16 February 2022 were submitted for approval, which contained details on the following:
The Council also considered the following reports:-
· Budget Consultation results 2022/23; and · The Council Tax Resolution 2022/23.
In addition, the Council received the minutes of the Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee on 28 February 2022, that had considered the Budget Report 2022-2023.
The Lord Mayor provided Council with an explanation of the process to be followed at the meeting to consider and vote on the amendments received and to then consider the documents submitted and in doing so set the Council’s budget for 2022/23 by a named vote.
Councillor Craig moved the proceedings of the Art Galleries Committee and part proceedings of the Executive, both held on 16 February 2022, the Revenue and Capital Budgets and the recommendations as detailed in the above reports, which was seconded by Councillor Midgley (Executive Member for Adult Services). Councillor Craig, presented her budget statement for 2022/23 to Council.
Councillor Leech, Opposition Lead Member on Finance, responded to the Leader’s budget statement for 2022/23.
The Council then considered three amendments to the Council Budget 2022/23. The first amendment was proposed by Councillor M Dar. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Battle.
Across Ancoats and Beswick residents raise the problem of commuter and visitor parking on a regular basis. In Beswick following Eastlands development, Labour Councillors secured first the Etihad Parking Scheme and now the wider Eastlands Parking scheme and we will continue to ensure this is extended effectively.
As Councillors we are proud of Ancoats and New Islington and the vibrant new communities that have been created, but too often residents are blighted by commuter parking. For example, I have spoken to many residents on roads such as Weybridge Road, Chippenham Road, Woodward Street and the surrounding area have raised regular problems.
The City Council should bring forward a local parking scheme in Ancoats that benefits residents and is funded from the proceeds of development in the area and complements the residents parking scheme in other parts of the ward and that work begins to bring forward a formal consultation with residents early in the new financial year.
For the amendment: (83) ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |