Agenda and minutes
Budget, Council - Friday, 5th March, 2021 10.00 am
Venue: Virtual meeting
Contact: Andrew Woods
No. | Item |
The Lord Mayor's Announcements and Special Business Including a presentation on the forthcoming Census from Elisa Bullen (Corporate Services). Minutes: The Lord Mayor invited Elisa Bullen (Corporate Services), to give a presentation on the forthcoming national Census. Members were invited to ask questions following the presentation. |
To submit for approval the minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2021. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Lord Mayor. |
The Council's Budget 2021/22 PDF 896 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council met to consider and set the 2021/22 budget, Council Tax resolution for 2021/22 and Collection Fund budget for 2021/22. In doing so, the proceedings of the Art Galleries Committee on 17 February 2021 which provided details of the Art Galleries budget for 2021/22 were submitted for approval. In addition, the part proceedings of the Executive on 17 February 2021 were submitted for approval, which contained details on the following:
The Councils Budget 2021/22 – Covering Report; Medium Term Financial Plan 2021/2022; Capital Strategy and Budget 2021/22; Council Business Plan 2021/22; Children and Education Budget 2021/22; Adult Social Care and Population Health Budget 2021/22; Manchester Health and Care Commissioning Budget 2021/22; Homelessness Budget 2021/22; Neighbourhoods Directorate Budget 2021/22; Growth and Development Budget 2021/22; Corporate Core Budget 2021/22; Dedicated Schools Grant 2021/22; Housing Revenue Account 2021/22 to 2023/24; Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Borrowing Limits and Annual Investment Strategy 2021/22; Budget 2021/22 Public Consultation Outcomes; and Budget 2021/22 Equality Impact Assessment.
The Council also considered the following reports:-
· The Capital Strategy and Budget 2021/22; · The Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Borrowing Limits and Annual Investment Strategy 2021/22; and · The Council Tax Resolution 2021/22.
In addition, the Council received the minutes of the Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee on 1 March 2021, that had considered the Budget Report 2021-2022.
Councillor Leese moved the proceedings of the Art Galleries Committee and part proceedings of the Executive, both held on 17 February 2021, the Revenue and Capital Budgets (as amended by the joint report of the City Treasurer, Chief Executive and City Solicitor) and the recommendations as detailed in the above reports, which was seconded by Councillor Craig (Executive Member for Adult Services). Councillor Leese, presented his budget statement for 2021/22 to Council.
Councillor Leech, Opposition Lead Member on Finance, responded the Leader’s budget statement for 2021/22.
The Council then considered an amendment to the Council Budget 2021/22.
The amendment, moved by Councillor Kilpatrick, and seconded by Councillor Leech was as follows:-
“To allocate a budget of £1.5m to enable
the Council to deliver road safety and traffic calming schemes in
areas of need; to be funded through the transfer from the Bus Lane
Enforcement Reserve. To allocate £500,000 additional funds to
Neighbourhoods to address the additional pressures on the ground
maintenance, parks, and waste removal teams due to behavioural
changes as a result of restrictions brought about by the COVID-19
pandemic; to be funded from the Contain Outbreak Management
Fund. To defer the proposed £160,000 cut to the
revenue and benefits team by one year in anticipation of further
demand on the service in the administration of grants and benefit
requests due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; to be funded
from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund. To allocate a budget of £960,000 to enable the Council to make available a Green Neighbourhood Investment Fund in each of the 32 wards, enabling our communities to fund projects in line with ward climate change action plans; to be funded out of the ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |